Polycythemia - Symptoms and Treatment

Among the varieties of malignant oncological pathologies of blood, polycythemia occupies a special place - the symptoms and treatment of this disease are associated with the transformation of human stem cells. In this case, gene mutations and modifications of the components of the biological fluid are noted, which can be both congenital and acquired.

Causes of blood polycythemia

To date, there are two main varieties of the described disease - the true and relative polycythaemia. The true form of pathology is primary and secondary. In the first case, the causes of the development of the disease are considered gene mutations, due to which the stem polypotent cells and tyrosine kinase are modified.

Secondary polycythemia occurs against the background of the following disorders:

Relative variety of oncological pathology is called Gaysbek syndrome and, with careful laboratory tests, excludes malignant processes. Therefore, it is sometimes called a false or stressful polycythemia, a pseudocythemia. This type of disease is easier and faster cured.

Symptoms of polycythemia

The disease develops very slowly, sometimes - for decades, which is why the clinical picture is often blurred or there are no signs at all.

Observed symptomatology, as a rule, is nonspecific:

With progression of thrombocytopenia, there are:

Blood test for polycythemia

Laboratory studies of the biological fluid show a characteristic increase in the concentration of hemoglobin (up to 180 g / l) and the number of red bodies (up to 7.5 per 10 in 12 units per liter). The mass of erythrocytes (above 36 ml / kg) is also calculated.

In addition to these indicators, the number of leukocytes (up to 30 per 10 in the 9th degree) and platelets (up to 800 per 10 in 9 degrees) is increasing.

In addition, the viscosity and density of blood are increased, which explains the occurrence of thromboses.

Treatment of polycythemia

The main principles of therapy are:

Therefore, the main modern methods of treatment are phlebotomy (bloodletting), which can be replaced by erythrocytopheresis, and chemotherapy (cytoreductive).

In addition, prescribe drugs-disaggregants, human interferon, hydroxycarbamide, hydroxyurea.

Treatment of polycythaemia folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers several effective ways of diluting blood.

Medicinal tea:

  1. Dry or fresh cranberry berries (2 tablespoons) pour a glass of boiled water.
  2. Cover the glass with a saucer and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Drink, like tea, with the addition of honey or sugar. The number of portions per day is unlimited.

Decoction of sweet clover:

  1. In 200 ml of boiling water, soak 1 teaspoon of chopped dry grass sweet clover.
  2. Strain, drink a third or a half of a standard glass up to 3 times a day.
  3. To be treated not less than 1 month.