Ceftriaxone - injections

Injection form of drug administration in many cases is the preferred method of taking medications because of the speed of action, full bioavailability of the active substances, the absence of destructive effect on the preparation of gastric secretions and enzymes (as with internal administration), the possibility of administering to a patient unconscious, etc.

A common and often prescribed injection drug belonging to the broad-spectrum antibiotic group is Ceftriaxone. This medicine is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution by dilution in specially prepared water or a lidocaine solution. Ceftriaxone is considered almost universal medicine, which can be used for infectious lesions of various organs caused by sensitive microorganisms.

Indications for the appointment of Ceftriaxone injections

The microorganisms oppressed by this drug include:

We list the main diseases in which the use of injections with antibiotic Ceftriaxone is indicated:

The injections of ceftriaxone from a genyantritis

With genyantritis, as with other types of sinusitis caused by bacterial pathogens, Ceftriaxone is administered quite often. Due to its 100% bioavailability, this drug quickly enters the bloodstream and accumulates at the right concentrations in the inflammatory focus, where the growth and multiplication of infectious agents stops. Dosage with the appointment of injections of Ceftriaacon in this case is usually 1-2 g of the drug once a day, the duration of treatment - from 4 days. As a rule, such therapy is supplemented by the use of local vasoconstrictors, mucolytics.

The use of injections of ceftriaxone in bronchitis

Ceftriaxone is often prescribed as part of the complex therapy of bronchitis in bacterial aetiology. With this diagnosis, this antibiotic is very effective, because The main types of bacteria affecting the bronchopulmonary system are sensitive to it. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the inflammatory-infectious process and can range from 4 days to 2 weeks, with daily dosage not exceeding 1-2 g.

How to breed ceftriaxone lidocaine and do an injection?

In the absence of allergies to lidocaine Ceftriaxone, it is desirable to dilute with a solution of this anesthetic, and not water, because intramuscular injections are very painful. To do this, 0, 5 g of the drug should be dissolved in 2 ml, and 1 g of the drug - in 3.5 ml of a 1% solution of lidocaine. As a result of preparation, 1 ml of the solution contains 250 mg of the basic substance.

Injection, as a rule, is performed in the gluteus muscle. It should be borne in mind that a freshly prepared drug solution room temperature can be stored for no more than 6 hours. It should also be noted that the antibiotic in question is not diluted with Novokain anesthetic, this leads to a decrease in its activity and an increased risk of anaphylactic shock.

Contraindications Ceftriaxone: