Chronic pancreatitis - treatment

Before proceeding to the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, the doctor conducts appropriate blood tests, urine and pancreas examination using ultrasound.

Chronic pancreatitis: the definition of symptoms for proper treatment

The blood is characterized by an increase in COE, a decrease in the level of proteins. Urinalysis reveals alpha-amylase in the acute period of the disease, as well as bilirubin in the event of mechanical jaundice. The ultrasound examination shows a change in the shape of the gland, deformed edges or the appearance of nodules (cysts). Also determine the function of the pancreas for the analysis of feces.

The remaining symptoms of chronic pancreatitis:

Chronic pancreatitis - treatment with folk remedies

There are several methods of folk treatment of chronic pancreatitis without tablets and medications. These include:

  1. Special therapeutic food, including products that gently cleanse the body. In the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, the diet generally plays one of the most important roles. Very useful in this case is the buckwheat diet. Dishes from buckwheat groats are eaten during the week in small portions 5-6 times a day. It is important to keep the temperature of the food you eat. It should be close to the internal temperature of the body. Ready buckwheat groats (1 glass) can also be filled with kefir for the night, and then, after dividing the portion in half, take 2 times a day for a ten-day course.
  2. Treatment of chronic pancreatitis with herbs is carried out cyclically: three times for 7 days with interruptions in 1 week. The most effective in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis is the collection of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory and "pulling" action: chamomile, calendula, plantain. As sedatives, you can add mint leaves to the collection. The purifying component is the stigma of maize.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis with folk methods is often criticized by traditional medicine. Many products used as ingredients for making tinctures and teas by folk recipes are sometimes included in the list of banned foods in pancreatitis. But, nevertheless, they help many get rid of pancreatitis forever. One of these therapeutic folk methods is the reception of lemon tincture - an excellent folk remedy for chronic pancreatitis. To prepare you will need:

Prepare lemon tincture as follows:

  1. Lemons are peeled and crushed with a peel with a meat grinder.
  2. The root of parsley and garlic are finely chopped and mixed together.
  3. All the ingredients are mixed and put into a closed vessel for 14 days.

Ready tincture should be taken one teaspoon three times a day before meals. Drink this medicine very well with a decoction of currant and strawberry leaves.

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

With an exacerbation, it is necessary to carry out medical treatment of chronic pancreatitis. As a rule, drugs are taken in a hospital. Intravenous injections of analgesics and drugs that relieve muscle spasm. Since pancreatitis in the acute stage is often accompanied by repeated vomiting and diarrhea, large fluid losses are compensated for by droppers from saline. The scheme of treatment of chronic pancreatitis provides for complete starvation in the period of exacerbation of the disease. In this regard, intravenously injected glucose solution. As a drug treatment, enzymes are also prescribed if the type of pancreatitis is hypoxecretory.

In the case of excessive release of enzymes by the pancreas, drugs are prescribed to reduce the secretory function. Drugs for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis are largely determined by the type of disease. Therefore only the attending physician can prescribe those or other medicines. The standards of treatment of chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage are unchanged and effective. The three principles that medicine has been guided by for many years - hunger, cold and tranquility - are those "three whales" on which the successful treatment of this disease is held.