Runa Vuño

If you look at the runes of the senior futarka, then to find among them the symbols foreshadowing luck will not be so simple. One of the few signs that have a positive value is the rune vuño. Its appearance in the fortune telling can be considered a very good sign, and what exactly it promises, we'll figure it out right now.

The meaning of the rune vuño

Sometimes the rune of wuno is called the rune of wealth, but this is not entirely true, its meaning is much broader than only the material side of life. More corresponds to the rank of the rune of fairy wealth, it is used in money amulet, and is considered a favorable sign for improving your financial situation . If to reflect on what vuño means, then the fall of this rune can portend both good luck in love, and improvement of well-being, and joy from many other moments. The fact is that this symbol has in its direct meaning is joy, pleasure, and energy. But this is not just some flow of life forces from the outside, this phenomenon is associated with the completion of some stage, some previously started business. That is you, soon a burst of activity is waiting, because you will soon get rid of the past, having successfully completed some stage. But we need to be able to put the point correctly, because it is inability, maybe the indecision to part with the past, does not allow us to look at the world in a new way, to set new goals for ourselves, that's why the decline of forces is constantly felt, and apathy. Direct vuño - says: everything will be fine, but away from inertia!

Inverted rune vuño means the approach of the crisis, but it must also be perceived with the sign "+". Because it's not that The case when the whole world turns against you, these are rather some signals about the need for reflection, which you need to take in time. The sign says about the need to unravel the tangle of all uncertainties and doubts, without it, to understand the situation and make the right decision will be almost impossible. You will certainly get energy for new achievements, but only when you realize everything that is happening to you. If you can not look at the situation differently, from a different angle, then there will not be enough force to overcome the crisis. Now it is important to understand that time sifts only unnecessary, nobody will take your innermost, it will always remain with you, so you need to get rid of the old without doubt and fear. If you feel the need to say goodbye to the past, you need to do this without excessive nostalgia, it only hinders your development.