
Paprikash is the original classic Hungarian meat dish. This dish became widespread during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Due to the favorable geographical position and the mixture of many national and culinary traditions, the Austro-Hungarian cuisine developed very interestingly. The confusion of national approaches gave birth to new tastes, and, very colorful and at the same time rather refined. Hungarian paprikas is a thick, spicy, rich soup of chicken. Traditional paprikas soup was usually prepared from domestic adult chickens, which provided the dish with a more intense taste. Of course, at the present time it is more convenient (especially for urban residents) to use chicken legs and / or breasts to make chicken paprika. Currently, paprikash is prepared not only from chicken, but also from pork, veal, lamb and even fish.

Cooking paprikas

So, paprikash, the recipe is traditional.



Chicken meat is washed, dried with a clean napkin, rubbed with salt and pepper, cut into small cubes and fried in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil on high heat to a beautiful golden hue, we remove the meat from the pan and for a while we set aside. In the same frying pan on the resulting fat fry peeled and finely chopped onions, sliced ​​fresh strawberries with a short straw. Add red pepper and paprika, a little chicken broth. We connect the contents of both pans. Add tomatoes, paprika and peppers cut into slices. We will extinguish on low heat, so that the liquid boils well. Further separately we pass on a dry frying pan a little flour (up to easy change of color) and we add in sour cream. Finished meat shall be filled with the resulting sauce. Once again bring almost to a boil. Season with chopped garlic. Let's put the paprikasha under the lid for 15 minutes.

With what to serve paprikas?

Usually chicken paprikas are served with greens, dumplings (dumplings), with potatoes, beans and / or pasta. You can also serve a green salad.

If paprikas from chicken, wine is better to choose table pink or white, if from veal or lamb - then red.

About options

You can cook a delicious paprikas from pork. In the Austro-Hungarian culinary tradition, pork is a very widely used product. The calculation of products is about the same, as with chicken or veal, and the technology is the same, but you need to extinguish pork for about 20 minutes. You can add red sweet pepper, cut into strips. When extinguishing it does not hurt to add a little light table wine to the meat, then the meat will turn out to be much tastier and more tender.

You can cook paprikas even from fish - this is not quite a classic option, but very delicious and tender. Fish for this dish is used exclusively freshwater (most often pikeperch). The difference from the classic paprikasha is that the fish are first stewed separately in a pan, and then poured with a prepared sauce of sour cream, onion, flour and paprika. Then add a little white wine to the dish and stew for a few more minutes. Gourmet dinner is ready!