Retrobulbar neuritis

Retrobulbaric neuritis is characterized by an inflammatory process that is localized throughout the optic nerve behind the eyeball before the chiasma. The disease most often affects young people, the average age of the disease is 30 years.

Retrobulbaric neuritis is dangerous because in the initial stage it practically does not manifest itself, the symptoms begin to be noticeable only in the late stage of the development of the disease.

Causes of retrobulbar neuritis

There are two groups of factors that can cause retrobulbar optic neuritis:

  1. Complications of the disease.
  2. Infection or weakened immune system.

In the first place, it is worth noting the diseases that cause neuritis, since more often they are the ones that provoke the development of the disease:

These diseases cause the development of neuritis, but also a favorable soil for it become:

Disease refers to a fairly common ailments. At the same time, the reasons for its development give a quite clear answer to the question of why it is young people who suffer from it.

Symptoms of retrobulbar neuritis

In this case, the symptoms of the disease depend on the degree of inflammation. With acute retrobulbar neuritis, there are pain in the eyes, as well as headaches, after which loss of vision occurs. The chronic form of neuritis is characterized by a gradual decrease in visual acuity.

Preceding these symptoms may include the following symptoms:

In the case of acute neuritis, the eyes are most often affected alternately, so if the doctor calls on the doctor in a timely manner, the second eye can remain healthy, and there is the opportunity to preserve the vision.

Treatment of retrobulbar neuritis

Treatment of the patient begins with hospitalization, since other ways of getting rid of optic neuritis are not possible. Then the general therapy is carried out, the purpose of which is:

In parallel, the diagnosis of retrobulbar neuritis is carried out, revealing its etiology. Then they begin to act directly on the very cause of the disease, which is the key to successful treatment.