How to survive the rupture of relationships?

We all are afraid of the changes that burst like a hurricane into our lives and turn everything upside down. And although sometimes we would like something "out of the ordinary", but still any sharp changes in the whole course of life - this is a very strong stress.

How can survive the breakdown of relationships with your beloved boyfriend or husband?

Psychologists note that the most terrible consequences can be the disruption of already established, long-term relationships, especially when everything looks quite well and the news that you need to part is caught off guard like a bolt from the blue. Of course, the easiest thing in this situation is for the person who made this decision, because this is his choice, besides, he is certainly considered. But what remains to do to the one who stayed at the broken trough, absolutely not counting on the freedom unnecessary to him? How can he survive the rupture of relations?

The main thing is to remember - no one will come and make your life happy for you. Time is a great doctor, but still you can not sit idly by. Unlike men, it's easier for us, women - first you can just cry out with faithful girlfriends or conduct extensive shopping therapy. Ah, do you doubt in general whether men experience a break in relations? And in vain! They are not barbed iron - they also have different ways!

Well? Let's all the same, let us dwell in more detail on how people experience a break in relations between men.

Agree - this is an important point! If he left you and he is not so easy and sweet, it will be easier for you to forgive him, even if it does not sound very good. If you are still gone, you need to understand how best to get rid of the inevitable sense of guilt. In general, here too, options are possible.

Of course, most men still adapt very quickly, they easily endure a break or divorce, and even soon marry, despite the fact that they can sincerely continue to believe that you are the best! But some of them will also go through depression and devastation. And in this case, men may even be worse than women: after all, traditionally, male suffering must be kept in oneself or drowned in a bottle. In addition, after a break in relations, it may turn out that it is not very much his friends that he has, but there are many more domestic problems, but there is no one to prompt and support. Well, how can you survive the rupture of your relationship and still not get drunk? Unless to leave with a head in work.

And there are those who for a long time can not create a new relationship on the ashes, although they seem to have reacted normally to the divorce, even with enthusiasm. But over time it turned out that the desired escape from routine, responsibility and responsibilities of family life does not always correspond to the male concept of freedom, which looks like a continuous holiday and an unlimited choice of extraordinary women. This is the so-called "syndrome of the seventeenth month". And so to such an unrealized dreamer, to survive the rupture of relations, oh, how can the help of a psychologist be necessary.

Well, men are men, but we need to think about ourselves!

Our ways how to survive the rupture of long-term relationships will not be too original, but it's not about originality, but efficiency, is not it?

The first thing you need to understand is that life goes on. Yes it will be a completely different life, but emptiness should be tried to fill up qualitatively. It can be a club, a volunteer movement, a hobby class - something that will distract you from sad and painful thoughts. In addition, this is a completely new circle of people, people who do not need to tell why you are alone now.

If you have a need for caring, but no children or have grown up - get a pet. With dogs, for example, loneliness during a walk will not be experienced so painfully.

If children are, then, on the one hand, to your personal difficulties, how to survive the severance of relations with her husband, their problems can be added, and on the other - you are not alone! You have someone to take care of, for whom to live!

In any case, you can not go on the road of accusing yourself or your former partner in all serious ones. In fact, there are not that many such obvious and unambiguous cases of breaking relations. Therefore, you should not engage in self-discovery and blame yourself for everything only yourself or a person with whom you probably have experienced many happy moments, and even lived side by side years, having acquired children.

And if it's hard for you to cope with the devastating consequences yourself - do not give up the help of friends or professionals. Do not shut yourself in and four walls!