Signs of heart failure in women

Heart failure is a decrease in the contractile function of the heart, which in a short time leads to its overload. It can develop in the right or left department. Each year, 8,000,000 people die from this disease worldwide. Therefore, it is so important to know what signs of heart failure appear in the first stage of the disease. This will quickly eliminate this pathology.

Symptoms of acute heart failure

Acute left ventricular failure develops in diseases with a predominant load on the left ventricle. It can be myocardial infarction, aortic defect, hypertension, etc. With the weakening of its functions, the pressure in arterioles and capillaries, pulmonary veins increases, their permeability increases. This causes cardiac asthma. Usually this happens at night.

The first signs of acute heart failure in women in this case can be:

The growth of stagnant phenomena promotes the development of severe pulmonary edema. As a result, the patient appears a cough with the release of a large amount of sputum pink (it can be frothy). At a distance, one can hear that breathing becomes bubbling with wet wheezing. Pulmonary edema is an emergency that requires intensive care, otherwise death is inevitable.

Acute right ventricular failure usually occurs with large and small thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery. Signs of heart failure in women with this condition occur dramatically and mainly after physical or emotional overwork. These include:

In most cases, with acute right ventricular insufficiency, the blood stagnates in the liver. As a result, it becomes painful.

Symptoms of Chronic Heart Failure

Usually chronic heart failure occurs in women after 50 and is characterized by such signs:

With chronic right atrial insufficiency, patients can develop more stagnant phenomena in a large circle of blood circulation, which provokes the appearance of sclerosis of the lungs and vesicles. Patients appear:

Signs of heart failure in women up to 40 include swelling of cervical and / or peripheral veins, as well as an increasing liver. Sometimes patients develop edematous syndrome. At first, these are latent edemas, which are detected only when weighed, but gradually they grow, spreading to the lower limbs and genitals.

Diagnosis of heart failure

Diagnosis of heart failure in women should begin with the definition of the composition of blood (electrolyte and gas), as well as various indicators of protein-carbohydrate metabolism. After this, percussion (percussion) is performed, during which a box sound is heard in different parts of the lungs. It indicates the stagnation of blood.

At the slightest suspicion of heart failure, an ECG is prescribed. This examination helps to identify hypertrophy (increase in size) of the ventricles of the heart, the main signs of its "overload" and other specific symptoms of blood supply disorders.