Diabetes in children - symptoms

Tolerance of the body to glucose - not so long ago, such a diagnosis sounded like a verdict, since the disease inevitably led to death. Fortunately, these days people with similar problems have the opportunity to live a full life. Provided that the diagnosis was established in a timely manner, that is, as soon as the very first signs of diabetes appeared, with both children and adults.

Symptoms and treatment of diabetes in children

Recently, medicine has stepped far ahead, but, despite this, completely cure the disease today is possible only through a transplant of the pancreas. And then, such a measure is effective only if the body simply does not produce enough insulin necessary for the cleavage of glucose. In general, the lack of insulin is supplemented by the introduction of an artificial substitute.

Worse is the situation in children with type 2 diabetes, when treatment is reduced to constant counting of grain units and strict adherence to the diet. Recognizing the illness of a child is extremely important, since its consequences can be irreversible. Initially, elevated glucose inhibits the developmental process, mental and physical, and as the disease progresses, the disease can lead to coma and even death. To not lose the time, to save life and health of your child, parents are required to know exactly what are the first signs of insidious diabetes in young children and adolescents. So, a good reason to pass the tests and get tested is:

When there are any symptoms of diabetes in children , postponement of treatment and examination, can be a fatal mistake.