Pills for cough with thermopsis

Novelties among pharmacological drugs are not always the best remedy for respiratory diseases. For example, for a long time already known tablets from a cough with a thermopsis till now use huge demand and popularity owing to efficiency and, the main thing, natural components of a medicine.

Tablets with grass thermopsis

The plant of the legume family, also called a mushroom, is known for its expectorant properties. Therefore, his decoctions and infusions were used for various broncho-pulmonary diseases.

The secret is that the leaves and stems of this herb contain a lot of biologically active substances, most of which are alkaloids. In fact, they are a poison of natural origin, but in small doses have a therapeutic effect on the human body.

Tablets from a cough based on thermopsis are based on the use of a powder made from a plant and sodium bicarbonate. Combinations of these substances produce a long-lasting effect, which consists in intensifying the divergence of pulmonary secretion and simultaneous liquefaction of sputum.

Thermopsis lanceolate - tablets against cough

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows:

Indications for the appointment of tablets is the complex therapy of any diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by the formation of the secretion in the lungs and bronchi.

It should be noted that there are a lot of contraindications to the drug:

You can not use tablets against cough with thermopsis in treating babies, because they do not know how to expectorate mucus. Given that the drug increases its secretion, it can lead to a violation of respiratory functions.

These tablets for cough are forbidden to drink pregnant women because one of the alkaloids can lead to a fetus or a miscarriage.

Naturally, the presence of vegetable poison in tablets makes their use impossible with lactation, because a child can be poisoned by breast milk.

Among the side effects often are various allergic reactions and nausea. The latter effect appears due to the effect of thermopsis on the vomiting centers.

How to take pills for cough with thermopsis?

It should be remembered that the medication is administered only after reaching adolescence (12 years). Dosage for children is not enough, than differs from portions for adults, sometimes only the number of receptions is reduced to only 2 times a day.

Here's how to drink tablets from a cough with thermopsis:

  1. 1 capsule at a time, three times a day. The maximum dose for admission is 14 tablets or 0.1 g of thermopsis powder. The highest daily amount is 42 tablets or 0.3 g of active ingredient;
  2. For teenagers the dosage is similar, but you can repeat the reception 2 times a day.

The course of treatment, as a rule, does not exceed 3-5 days, but can be extended to a week at the doctor's discretion.

The method of application can be chosen arbitrarily. Some people prefer to take pills with a small amount of clean water. More effective is resorption, because so active components of the drug quickly enter the circulatory system, bronchi and lungs, respectively, rather, the therapeutic effect is manifested.