How to get rid of sweating underarms?

Many people are faced with hyperhidrosis. And although this ailment is not dangerous, it significantly reduces the quality of life. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of sweating of the armpits is given the greatest attention.

How to get rid of excessive sweating of the armpits with the help of traditional medicine?

Modern medicine offers the most effective methods of fighting hyperhidrosis:

  1. Ionophoresis. During the manipulation in the body are given medicines that normalize sweating. To complete victory over the disease may need up to 10 procedures.
  2. Botox. Botox is introduced into the zone of localization of hyperhidrosis with thin needles. This substance has a depressing effect on the secretion of secretion of sweat glands. Usually one procedure is enough to forget about the next six months.
  3. Use of external drugs. One of such saving means is Formagel. It should be applied to a well-washed, and after the dried skin for a third of an hour. Treatment lasts 10-12 days.
  4. Surgical intervention. In fact, this is a cardinal measure. During the procedure, sweat glands are excised. Before such a procedure, patients receive detailed information on how to permanently get rid of sweating armpits with a laser.

The optimal variant can be selected only after a thorough examination. Each such method of fighting hyperhidrosis has a number of contraindications.

How to get rid of excessive sweating of your armpits - alternative means

Alternative methods include the following:

  1. Observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene. You need to take at least twice a day a contrast shower. After such a procedure, you do not have to rush out immediately. It is advisable to give a few minutes of time to the body to "breathe", and after that to wipe and dress.
  2. Shaving hair or implementing other depilation methods. In the "hairy" environment, bacteria are multiplying more intensively, which provokes the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor. Then you should definitely get rid of hair in this area.
  3. Wearing clothes made from natural fabrics. Synthetics does not allow air to pass through.
  4. Correctly selected antipersperant. Most of these personal care products are aimed at clogging sweat glands. However, there are medical antiperspirants on sale. They contain zinc and aluminum compounds, which are not very useful for health. Therefore, before buying a medical antiperspirant, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Having ideas about how to get rid of excessive sweating of the armpits by alternative means, you can easily fight at home with hyperhidrosis.

How to get rid of sweating underarms with folk remedies?

In the arsenal of folk connoisseurs, too, there are many secrets of fighting hyperhidrosis. Of course, you need to understand that you can not get rid of sweating of your armpits with folk remedies as quickly as possible. These methods give a short-term effect, and the result is not so quickly noticeable.

For example, in the fight against hyperhidrosis, baking soda proved to be excellent. Therefore, people suffering from this ailment often wonder how to get rid of soda from sweating of the armpits. There is nothing super complicated. Soda is used as a solution.

The recipe for preparing a soda solution from increased sweating


Preparation and use

Soda is dissolved in warm water. Then in the finished solution dipped cotton wool discs and wipe them with clean, dried skin underarms. As an alternative to this agent, you can simply use soda powder. After taking a shower, you should dry it dry and rub the underarm area with soda.