Black birthmark

The color of the nevus depends on the concentration of melanocytes in it - the pigment cells, and the exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, a black birthmark from the point of view of a dermatologist is no more dangerous in terms of its degeneration than an ordinary brown formation. But in some cases, it is necessary to pay close attention to such nevi and watch their condition all the time.

Congenital black birthmark on the body

As a rule, the most safe accumulations of skin pigment are nevi, which arose in the period of intrauterine development. Unusual color of such formations simply indicates a large number of melanocytes in them.

Usually black moles are observed on the back and hands, the face - the upper half of the trunk. Less often they are present on other parts of the body.

What are the reasons for the black birthmark?

Nevus can form during the course of life. This is facilitated by various processes of skin pigmentation under the influence of hormonal changes in the body, ultraviolet radiation, transferred diseases, mechanical damage to the birthmark.

There is no danger of a new accumulation of melanocytes if it conforms to the norms regarding the size, shape and structure of the nevus.

What if the birthmark is black?

When the usual pigment speck gets darker shades, it is worth considering it in more detail and contacting a dermatologist, an oncologist to determine the causes of such changes. Blackening the nevus may indicate its degeneration into melanoma , especially if there are additional signs: