Egg Diet for 4 Weeks

Egg diet attracts "phenomenal" weight loss, rumors about which excite the world wide web. Sometimes, it is about 20-28 kg for 4 weeks, that is, for 28 days. What should one eat or not eat to lose a kilogram per day - read below.

Rules of the diet

So, let's start with a pleasant one. During the egg diet for 4 weeks, you have the right to eat an unlimited amount of meat or chicken (meat - not fatty varieties, chicken - without skin) for dinner. Your dinners are a variety of fruits and vegetables, of which we will write below.

Breakfast every day - eggs and ½ citrus. Actually, precisely because of this, it was called an egg-orange diet for 4 weeks.

It is unpleasant, of course, that carbohydrates are almost completely excluded, except for what your body finds in fruits and vegetables. You will miss not only sweets, but complex carbohydrates, which are found in cereals, cereals, grains, nuts, beans, etc.

The diet lasts 4 weeks, you can not change anything at your discretion, the compilers say "biochemistry will be broken." After all, we are assured that at the expense of the egg + citrus breakfast involves some incredible metabolism.

In a day - three meals. From various vegetables (ban only on potatoes) it is allowed to make salads, you can cook, stew, cook steamed. Of fruits (ban on bananas, figs, mangoes, grapes, dates), you can also make assorted for lunch or eat in any other form in unlimited quantities.

For now, let's say, 4 weeks of the egg-orange diet seem very tasty, and you can survive without bread.


Now, the most exciting is the egg diet menu for 4 weeks, which should dramatically change your appearance.

As for breakfast, we sorted out - every day 1 to 2 eggs (boiled, soft, omelets) in combination with half an orange or grapefruit, because some people call this system of weight loss - 4 weeks of egg-grapefruit diet.

Let's list the variations for lunch:

  1. Fruit.
  2. A hen.
  3. Tomatoes, 1 rye toast and an unlimited amount of low-fat cheese.
  4. Boiled eggs with one kind of vegetable.
  5. Minced meat or pieces of meat with salad.
  6. Boiled or fried fish dish.
  7. Chicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables and citrus.

These seven varieties of lunches (1 point is equal to one dinner!) Can be varied during the first two weeks of the egg diet.

Dinners for the week 1 - 2:

  1. Boiled eggs with citrus, vegetable salad.
  2. Chicken, tomatoes, citrus.
  3. Eggs boiled.

These three variations are at your disposal for two weeks of dinners.

On the third week you have to go through seven days mono-diet:

  1. Any fruits.
  2. Any vegetables.
  3. Any fruits and vegetables.
  4. Fish, cabbage salad, boiled vegetables.
  5. Chicken and meat with boiled vegetables.
  6. 6 and 7. Only one type of fruit in one day.

Next, a strict diet for the fourth week. It is allowed to eat only the products specified below and do not change them by the day:

  1. Quarter of boiled chicken without skin, tuna canned (there is 1 jar and without oil), 3 tomatoes, 1 citrus, 4 cucumbers, 1 toast.
  2. 200 g minced meat, 4 cucumbers, 1 toast, 3 tomatoes, 1 fruit.
  3. 30 g cottage cheese, 250 grams of assorted boiled vegetables, 1 toast, 1 citrus, 2 tomatoes.
  4. ½ chicken, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 cucumber, 1 fruit, 1 citrus.
  5. 2 boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, 1 bunch of lettuce, 1 citrus.
  6. 2 chicken breasts (boiled without skin), 200 grams of cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 tbsp. curdled milk, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 citrus.
  7. Bank tuna without oil, 20 g cottage cheese, 250 g boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 1 toast, 2 cucumbers, 1 citrus.

Disadvantages of the diet

Weight loss, if it does, is only due to low calorie and lack of carbohydrates, and, by no means due to changes (positive!) In the metabolism. Moreover, the first week of metabolism painfully accustomed to such an excess of cholesterol, and the heart and kidneys are very solidly affected by cholesterol and protein, respectively. Excess of vitamin C will irritate the urinary tract, and the diet itself will lead to poor health and migraines.