Pencil skirt for full

It has long been known that a stylish, figure-seated skirt can turn absolutely any woman into a queen. However, full ladies often deny such an element of the wardrobe, being sure that in trousers and voluminous loose overalls their imperfections are less noticeable. This is not true. In fact, it is this element of the female wardrobe that can transform the "weighty" figure beyond recognition, favorably emphasizing the tempting roundness and visually hiding the shortcomings. The most advantageous option for full ladies is a pencil skirt.

Advantages of a pencil skirt for complete

On the "magnificent" figure, the classic pencil skirt looks very sexy, accentuating the attention of others on the existing charms of the figure. A straight pencil skirt superbly emphasizes the waistline, makes the hip line clearer, and the belly taut. And in combination with high-heeled shoes and transparent stockings slim, lengthens legs and emphasizes the beauty of calves.

Pencil skirt styles

When choosing the "own" style of this element of clothing, you need to remember a few simple rules. Women with "weighty" virtues will approach a pencil skirt below the knee or 5 centimeters above the knee. But frank mini, as well as styles, up to the middle of the ankle, these ladies should be avoided.

Owners of the "pear-shaped" figure (with wide hips and narrow waist) are better to combine this style with a smooth or draped top of the adjoining silhouette, and women with a figure in the form of an "apple" (with an indistinct waistline) - with an elongated jacket or tunic.

Contraindicated full ladies long pencil skirts, as well as models made of shiny fabrics and skin, as they visually increase the hips and gather in the most inappropriate places.

Which skirt to choose?

The winning version of the female pencil skirt is a monophonic classical model or a variant with a small pattern. Models with large prints and bright ornaments, adding volume to the figure, full of women are best avoided.

Do not give up and skirt-pencil with a cut from the front. This model is great for everyday wear and can be used as the basis of the business image of its owner.

For ladies who prefer more playful options, skirt pencil with folds or small flounces, which will make the image flirty, do not make it heavier.

As we see the appropriate shape of a pencil skirt for complete is not so difficult. A little imagination and self-confidence, and you will be irresistible!