Wedding hairstyles in the Greek style - a selection of the most beautiful styling

Who of the lovely ladies never wanted to become a goddess even for a few hours? Especially, on such an important day as a wedding. When choosing an image for a celebration, we always remember wedding hairstyles in Greek style, because what can look more feminine and majestic ...

Greek wedding hairstyle 2017

This time, the fashionable hairstyle in the Greek style of 2017 was very joyful. Did you know that 7 out of 10 brides choose this option? And brunettes, and blondes ... Absolutely everyone adores the delicate curls that are neatly gathered in a bun or tail. Loose hair with a nice rim or other accessory looks not so luxurious. Here are some tips before you make a decision:

  1. When choosing wedding hairstyles in the Greek style, consider not only your taste, but also the proportions of the face.
  2. Make sure that the hair, makeup, shoes and dress will look great in the same image.
  3. Pick a good hairdresser. This plays a big role, because sometimes it's hard for us to assess how this or that thing will look at us, but the professional knows exactly what will suit you.

Trendy wedding hairstyles in Greek style

It's not difficult to choose for yourself the fashionable Greek wedding hairstyles, when the choice is so great. There are many varieties of how Greek goddesses liked to style and decorate their amazing curls. Now we use a variety of accessories like rims and pegs, new types of piling and tools. But the most beautiful wedding hairstyles in the famous Greek style were best done in Greece itself many centuries ago. The classic option is always win-win.

One secret: wedding Greek hairstyles on medium hair or long must be decorated with any additional elements. Someone chooses jewelry, someone - feathers or flowers. One way or another, this decor creates the image of a real empress. It is necessary to take into account the overall image, which consists of dress and shoes. It is already up to them to choose an idea for styling.

Wedding hairstyle Greek braid

Many of us have not braided braids for a long time, since many associate them with childhood. Well, it is not necessary for an adult woman to braid braids ... But the beauties of Ancient Greece were not considered so. Greek wedding hairstyles for long hair are often braided in an elegant, three-dimensional braid and decorated with flowers or, if this girl is notable, precious stones. The distinctive feature of such a braid is that it is not braided too tightly, which creates a certain volume.

There are several types of braids:

  1. Long and thin. Such braids are braided more tightly and do not stretch the strands on either side. It looks great if you weave the beads into it.
  2. Spikelets. It can be wrapped around a hoop or braid, starting from the crown. Milky and feminine look alive flowers in the form of ornaments.
  3. Volumetric spit. Such a braid does not tighten so tightly that you can stretch the strands on the sides a little and create a volume.

Wedding Greek hairstyle with a diadem

Tiaras were for all princesses and queens. Virtually no wedding hairstyle under the Greek style was not without this attribute. You can also take this idea for service. How to choose the right diadem?

  1. Consider your entire image and dress. Everything should look harmonious. Precious stones should be the same and shades are suitable for each other.
  2. If you want to add additional jewelry to the diadem, do it only when you are sure of your choice. Excess accessories can easily spoil everything.
  3. Choose a diadem with a beautiful metal. It is not necessary to buy gold, but it is important that it does not look too cheap.

Wedding hairstyle in Greek style with a bunch

The bunch always looks cute and feminine! Even men like our slightly sloppy bundles, which we do in a hurry. If previously a careless bunch was considered unacceptable, now it is bravely doing even for important events, slightly modifying and decorating. Therefore, hairstyles for a wedding dress in the Greek style can not do without this important option.

You can easily come up with new variations for the beam and experiment. Hair can be wrapped in the back so that they look bulky and sumptuous, add ornaments in the form of flowers or beads, and fasten the bangs with a hoop. Such wedding hairstyles in the traditional Greek style will make you a very goddess. Please note that in this case, you need a suitable dress. A long dress in a cream-colored floor will do just fine.

Lush Greek wedding hairstyles

The most luxurious option for a celebration is a sumptuous wedding hairstyle under a Greek dress. They look very elegant and elegant, especially on long hair. When choosing, take into account your facial features and image, because such a styling easily visually emphasizes or hides shortcomings. To decorations should be approached with caution and do not add extra elements, because the styling already creates volume.

Wedding Greek hairstyle with veil

Without bridal veils, the bride is rarely treated, because this is one of the most important elements for a celebration. Wedding hairstyles in the Greek style with a veil look very romantic. Consider the presence of veils when choosing a stowage, because it can easily spoil it or close "all the most beautiful." Therefore, we will deal with the accessory itself:

  1. If the veil is too heavy, it will necessarily spoil the styling. So choose an easy and weightless.
  2. Decorated with rhinestones or paillettes veil has already remained in the past. Choose a minimalist, with decoration on the place of attachment.
  3. Fat should be in the tone of the dress. It is very important. The cream top on the background of the snow-white bottom will look dirty.

Wedding Greek hairstyles with flowers

Wedding hairstyles for medium hair in the Greek style are often presented with floral accessories. All the goddesses of ancient Greece weaved into their luxurious curls a variety of beautiful flowers. You can add this decor to any of the above options. Absolutely all the wedding hairstyles in the Greek style look amazing with a couple of roses, white lilies or bells. An excellent, original solution - fresh flowers. Recently, they are enjoying increasing popularity among brides.