Salad from boiled beets

Beets are often underestimated, using only for cooking borsch , vinaigrettes or snacks with an abundance of mayonnaise and garlic. To estimate this root crop on advantage it is possible only having felt its taste separately. A sweetish vegetable can easily find a place in your daily diet, especially if you use it as an ingredient for salads, which will be discussed later.

Salad Recipe with Boiled Beets



Beetroot is carefully washed and dried, after which we put the root vegetable in a pot of water and boil until ready. The remainder of the beet is preserved. Boiled root vegetables cool and peeled, then cut in half or quarters, and put in a serving dish.

In the frying pan, we heat the oil and quickly fry the nuts with the garlic passed through the press. After 3-4 minutes add the tops to the pan and remove the ingredients from the fire. The contents of the frying pan are laid out on a serving dish with beetroot, water the salad with balsamic vinegar or glaze, and then sprinkle with cheese.

Simple salad from boiled beets



Beet and cook until soft. The boiled root is cooled, cleaned and cut into small cubes. In a small bowl, mix orange juice , ginger root, butter and salt with pepper. Pour the resulting dressing still warm beets, stir and sprinkle the dish with fresh herbs. You can serve such a simple salad with salmon carpaccio or gravlax.

Recipe for salad from boiled beets



Lentil cook until ready. In a frying pan, we warm up the vegetable oil and fry onion cut on it with rings. Add the chopped garlic, lentils and slices of pre-cooked beetroot to the frying pan. Mix all together and put in a salad bowl.

Separately, beat the butter with vinegar, salt and pepper. We pour the warm ingredients of the salad and put it on a cushion of arugula. Sprinkle the salad with cheese.

Salad from boiled beets and carrots



Beets and carrots are boiled and cut into cubes. Mix the warm root vegetables with butter, juice and lemon zest, as well as salt and pepper. Add the roughly cut greens to the salad and mix. Sprinkle the prepared dish with seeds.

Delicious salad from boiled beets



Potatoes and my beets and boil until cooked. Boiled root vegetables cool, peel and cut into large slices. Celery cut across thin slices and add to potatoes and beets along with walnuts. Add a mix of salad and pieces of smoked fish. We spread the salad on a flat serving dish. From sour cream, lemon juice, butter and horseradish we make the sauce and pour the salad on top.