Abdominal pain hurts during pregnancy

Every future mother, knowing her position, is cautious about her body, so as not to accidentally harm her baby. Realizing the full responsibility of her position, she immediately begins to sound the alarm at the first sign of a possible danger!

Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy is regarded by the future mother as a possible threat to the fetus. However, pain in the abdomen during pregnancy is not always a sign of miscarriage or any kind of trouble.

If you have a stomachache during pregnancy, do not worry. First, you need to determine what this pain is related to.

Why does the abdomen hurt during pregnancy?

Most often, abdominal pain can be caused by malnutrition. This can lead to spasms of the digestive system, and will end with aching pain in the lower abdomen.

Also, not rarely the pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be caused by stretching the ligaments and muscles supporting the uterus. With the increase in the uterus, the pressure on the ligaments increases, therefore, sharply moving, sneezing or coughing, one can feel the sprain of the ligaments. So if during pregnancy you have a pain in the lower abdomen, most likely this is a stretch that does not pose a particular danger, just be careful in the future.

If you have a stomach ache during pregnancy, it can also be a consequence of an increase in the uterus. The enlarged uterus can press the organs of the chest cavity, such as the liver and gallbladder. As a result, the process of bile secretion can be disturbed, which can be accompanied by pains at the top of the abdomen during pregnancy.

Does the abdomen during pregnancy?

An absolutely healthy pregnant woman can also experience abdominal pain. It often happens that in women with pregnancy the stomach on the right hurts. Often this is due to the location of the fetus in the uterus. Pain may increase with fetal movements, and accompanied by a lack of appetite and a feeling of heaviness. Pressure in this area of ​​the stomach can also lead to heartburn, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and bloating.

Next, we will consider the most common causes of abdominal pain, and methods for their elimination.

Abdominal pain with ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is the process of developing a fertilized egg not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancy is easy to determine with the help of ultrasound, and also on its first signs: dizziness and sharp pains in the abdomen (provided that the pregnancy test is positive). An enlarged egg breaks the tissues of the uterine tube, causing pain and bleeding.

Usually it happens on the fifth-seventh week of pregnancy. Help in this case can only surgery.

Abdominal pain associated with abortion

With the threat of interruption of pregnancy, there is a prolonged aching pain in the abdomen, which gives back. Usually, such pain is accompanied by bloody discharge from the genitals.

Women with a threat of abortion are immediately taken to a hospital where hormonal background, fetal conditions, and infections that can cause violation of pregnancy. After determining the cause of the pregnancy, a special treatment is prescribed.

Abdominal pain due to premature placental abruption in pregnancy

Sometimes abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur in case of premature placental abruption. The placenta is separated from the uterine wall before the birth of the child.

The cause of premature detachment of the placenta can serve as a trauma to the abdomen, physical overstrain, hypertension, toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, etc.

With premature detachment of the placenta, a rupture of the blood vessels occurs, accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, and bleeding into the uterine cavity. If such symptoms appear, you need to call an ambulance, because the way out of this situation is a rapid delivery and stopping bleeding in a future mother.

Abdominal pain in pregnancy due to the digestive system

Increasing in size, the uterus can squeeze the digestive organs, which are in close proximity to it, which can lead to unpleasant sensations.

Also, with a change in the hormonal background, a woman's eating habits may change, as a result, a pregnant woman can consume foods that can cause various metabolic disorders. For example, frequent use of sharp and acidic dishes can lead to irritation of the walls of the stomach, the use of sweet dishes can cause fermentation in the intestines and dysbiosis. Dysbacteriosis can also cause bloating during pregnancy. Switching to healthy food can help in solving this problem, but do not neglect the advice of a doctor who will prescribe the taking of special medicines.

Abdominal pain in pregnancy due to stretching of muscles and ligaments

During pregnancy, the growing uterus can help stretch the ligaments that support it. The process of stretching the ligaments is accompanied by short sharp pains in the lower abdomen, which can be amplified by lifting weights, during coughing, and with sudden movements. Also, pain can arise from overstrain of the abdominal muscles of the press.

When pregnancy pain in the abdomen of this nature does not require special treatment, it is enough to rest for a while and allow the body to recover. Such pains are more of a psychological danger than physical pain. A future mother may not know about the origin of the pain, and strongly worry about this, which can lead to stress or a mental disorder. And the excess excitement of a pregnant woman is useless.

Abdominal pain in pregnancy associated with surgical diseases

A pregnant woman, like any person, can have appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, etc. Help in this case can only surgery.

If there is any pain in the abdomen, you need to go to the gynecologist,

so that he can determine the cause of the pain, calm the woman and send, if necessary, to hospital treatment in order to prevent possible complications.