When can you have sex after cesarean?

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the delivery is by caesarean section, or briefly - COP. Cesarean section itself is an operation, and unlike naturally delivered, freshly baked mother after cesarean are waiting for some difficulties: problems with stool, a ban on wearing and lifting weights, sitting. In addition, many women are concerned about the issue of the resumption of sex after childbirth. Someone is waiting for this moment with impatience, and some of the fair sex are afraid of intimate relationships, especially if the pregnancy ended in surgery. So, when is it possible to have sex after cesarean section?

Sex after cesarean section: opinion of gynecologists

Usually, doctors recommend immediately to refrain from sexual relations and resume them no earlier than 6-8 weeks after cesarean section. It is this much time your body needs to come to normal after giving birth and giving birth. The fact is that at this time the uterus, from which the placenta separates, is an open wound. Therefore, a woman within a month after childbirth is allocated blood allocation - lochia. Over time, they take the form of diluted blood, turn yellow. While there is an allocation of having sex is not safe, and the presence of lousy is unlikely to promote sexual attraction.

In addition, the existing opportunity to carry the infection into the postpartum uterus, therefore, surgical sutures also cause sex after sex with the COP. The most acceptable solution for gynecologists is to wait 1.5-2 months, go to a doctor and get a "permission" for sexual relations.

Sex and cesarean section: a view of psychologists

It is women who underwent Cesarean section, most often pursued by the fear of sex for psychological reasons. After the operation, a scar appears in the lower abdomen, which makes the fair sex feel insecure. To this are added not the left stomach, possible cellulite and stretch marks. It seems to a woman that a scar deforms her, and she has lost her attraction for her husband.

In addition, a woman fears that after a cesarean section, sex will bring pain or discomfort. Sometimes new mothers, due to weakening of the body after the operation and 24-hour care of the newborn, feel so tired that there is simply no strength for the intima.

Psychologists advise not to force yourself to start sexual relations, if you do not have desire or there is fear. However, this inattention can offend the spouse. It is necessary to talk with your loved one and explain the reason for refusing sex. He will be pleased and your touch and affection, because sex is not just a sexual act.

How to avoid pain during sex after cesarean section?

After cesarean section, pain during lovemaking can persecute a woman up to 3-4 months. Our recommendations will help minimize discomfort in sex:

Choose the time when you can have sex after the COP, should the woman herself. Of course, it is worth to focus on your own feelings and desires, but also to consult your gynecologist will not be superfluous.