Infusion of dog rose

Rosehip , which I sometimes call a wild rose - is a shrub up to 2.5 meters high with branches covered with spines. Rosehip flowers are pink or white-pink, which is why it deserves its name. Due to the appearance of the dog rose quite often planted as an ornamental plant, but it is best known for the fruits that are used in both traditional and folk medicine. For medicinal purposes use tincture, broth, infusion of dog rose, and sometimes it is simply brewed instead of tea.

How useful is the briar infusion?

Rosehip is primarily a natural source of vitamins, especially vitamin C (2.5 to 5.3% in dry fruits), and also contains vitamins P, B2, K, E, riboflavin, carotene, citric acid, potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, tannins. In the plant world, rose hips are considered to be one of the most rich in vitamins and other nutrients.

For medicinal purposes, usually use a decoction or infusion of dogrose. It has diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory properties. It is taken with avitaminosis, to normalize the pressure, improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as a tonic. The use of wild rose for atherosclerosis is known, to strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation and work of the cardiovascular system. Also, it helps to normalize the metabolism, so the use of this rosehip helps to get rid of excess weight .

Contraindications to the use of this dog rose

Categorical contraindications to the use of this dog rose is very small, but still they exist. So, because of the high content of vitamin K, it can not be used with thrombophlebitis, endocarditis, increased blood clotting. Because of the large amount of vitamin C, one must be cautious about taking hiveship with high acidity, peptic ulcer, gastritis. In addition, the abuse of dog rose can harm even in the absence of obvious contraindications. For example, with a tendency to constipation, due to the tannin substances contained in the dog-rose, there can be problems with the stool.

Infusion of dog rose during pregnancy

Unlike many herbal preparations, which are not recommended for pregnancy, dog rose has no such contraindications and is often used to relieve swelling, as a means to increase immunity and an additional source of vitamins.

How to prepare an extract from a dogrose?

From herbal preparations most often prepare decoctions or infusions. The difference is that in the second case, the plant raw materials are not boiled, but simply poured with boiling water and insist. This option is most often used with rosehip.

Ready-made briar infusion is a liquid of dark brown color with a pleasant, sourish taste. To prepare the infusion, dry rose hips are poured with boiling water at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per liter of water and insist in a thermos for at least 10 hours. Before use, the infusion must be filtered, in order to avoid falling into the mouth villi.

How to drink an extract of a dogrose?

  1. In winter, it is recommended to use a decoction of rose hips to fill the lack of vitamins and as a tonic. In this case, you can drink it just like tea, but not more than three glasses a day and preferably not every day.
  2. For medicinal purposes, usually take a decoction of half a glass before meals, three times a day, a course of 4-6 weeks.
  3. With anemia and beriberi it is recommended to have a weekly course of treatment with a massive intake of rose hips (up to one and a half liters a day), replacing them with tea and other beverages.