Peony diseases and their treatment

In the spring, peonies of the most diverse colors bloom in the garden (perhaps, except for blue and blue). In China, the birthplace of the peony, it is considered a flower of the nation and is cultivated as a medicinal and ornamental plant, protecting from evil spirits and having magical properties. Peony is very fond of light, takes only a small shadow in the hours of noon. Planting and caring for peonies are fairly simple, but it is worthwhile to monitor their health.

Diseases and pests of pions

Decorability of the pion and its resistance to adverse living conditions, is very reduced because of the microbes that cause it different diseases. Among the causative agents of diseases, mushrooms are leading, but recently viruses have spread.

1. To pests that damage peonies, include aphids, bronzovku, beetle-kuzka, ugritz (root nematodes) and various caterpillars.

2. The most common fungal diseases of pions:

3. Among the viral diseases isolate the circular mosaic of leaves.

Gray rot: signs and treatment

Gray rot is the most dangerous and frequent pion disease affecting all parts of plants. It happens this way:

With the disease you need to fight in two ways:

1. Agrotechnical activities:

2. Conducting preventive measures for the destruction of spores, with the help of chemical antifungal agents - fungicides with an interval of 10-12 days.

Rust: signs and treatment

Rust appears after flowering:

  1. On the sheets appear yellow-brown with purple spots.
  2. On the reverse side of the leaf there are spores of the fungus.
  3. Very quickly spreads.
  4. The leaves twist and dry up.

Treatment of rust is very similar to treatment of gray rot, only prophylaxis should be carried out more often - after 7-10 days.

Brown and white spots: signs and treatment

Signs of these diseases appear in early summer:

  1. On the lower leaves are formed small spots with a dark border.
  2. Over time, the spots merge and become lighter.
  3. Spores of fungi appear on the leaves.
  4. The leaves dry up, and the shoots die.

The fight against this disease begins in the spring, immediately after flowering. Spraying of plants is carried out with one of the preparations: Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride, zineb, Abiba-Peak, celandine or phytosperrin-M. And then spray as needed.

Ring mosaic of leaves: signs and treatment

This viral infection is manifested as follows:

  1. Between the veins appear on the leaves of rings, semirings and bands of different shapes and colors.
  2. They merge, and on the leaves there is a linear or marble pattern.
  3. By the end of vegetation, the spots die.

During the dissolution of the buds, the diseased shoots must be cut to the root and destroyed. If the plant is severely affected by the virus, the peony is completely destroyed. For prophylaxis use - alirin.

Control measures for pest pests

  1. Aphids . Against the wintering stage (eggs), spraying with a solution of green soap, carbofos or iron sulfate is used. Already with the appearance on the plant - a solution of chlorophos.
  2. Bronze weaving and beetle-kuzka. A very effective mechanical method is the collection of pests by hand and their destruction.
  3. Acorns (root nematodes). The most environmentally friendly methods of struggle are the use of organic fertilizers (compost) and crop rotation (plantation between pions of plants harmful to nematodes).
  4. Different caterpillars and larvae. In addition to mechanically collecting these pests, good results are obtained by spraying with infusion of crocus and aconite.

The use of biopreparations in pion diseases

Good results in the fight against pion diseases give application in their treatment of such biologics:

In comparison with other ornamental garden plants, peonies have fewer diseases and pests. But carrying out preventive measures will provide you with even more magnificent peonies blooming.