What determines the birth of twins?

Many mothers are interested in the question of what determines such a phenomenon as the birth of twins. After all, if in previous generations there were twins, then the likelihood of conceiving two children from such women also exists, and it is very high.

Who are the twins?

As is known, from the point of view of embryology, twins in the mother's body are born in 2 ways.

So, in those cases when in the early stage of pregnancy there is a division of the egg into two halves, so-called identical twins are born. The frequency of occurrence of such children is approximately 25% of all born twins. Such children have the same chromosome set and are therefore similar to each other, and moreover - they have one gender.

If at conception there was a fertilization of 2 eggs at once, then there are two identical twins. Such babies differ from each other, and often have different sexes.

What factors increase the likelihood of twin births?

There are many factors that affect the birth of two children at once. However, some of them have not been fully studied.

So, the main factor affecting the birth of 2 children is a genetic predisposition. It is scientifically proven that the birth of twins is inherited. It was found that this feature of the genetic apparatus is transmitted only through the female line. In cases where a woman, for example, the grandmother of a girl planning a pregnancy, had twins, there is a high probability of the birth of twins after a generation.

In addition to the genetic predisposition, it was found that the appearance of two children immediately affects the fact that the age of a woman. It is due to the fact that as the number of years lived increases, the likelihood of hormonal disruption increases. So, as a result of changes in the hormonal background, enhancement of the production of individual genes, maturation of several oocytes can occur at once. That is why, quite often, two children give birth to women who are already over 35 years old.

Also, there were cases when women after a prolonged intake of hormonal drugs prescribed for infertility, became pregnant and gave birth to 2 children at once.

If we talk about the physiological characteristics of the female body, then the chance to give birth to twins is high for those women who have a short menstrual cycle, equal to 20-21 days.

In addition to the above, according to statistics, the birth of twins is often observed as a result of IVF. This fact is explained by the fact that in the implementation of a similar procedure, several fertilized eggs are implanted in the uterus.

What else influences the birth of twins?

Immediate impact on the birth of twins and has a time period, more precisely, the duration of a light day. In the course of the analysis it was found that the frequency of the appearance of 2 children at once increases with the increase in the duration of the day. Such babies most often appear in the spring-summer period. In this case, regularities are not established, but the fact remains.

Thus, the birth of twins is immediately affected by many factors. At the same time, many of them do not depend on the will of a woman and a man. Therefore, no matter how parents would not and did not try to become pregnant with twins, it is not in their power. In such cases, most expectant mothers and dads regard this fact as a gift from above. However, it should be noted that in the presence of several factors (genetic predisposition, physiology, age), the probability of the birth of twins increases dramatically.