Disinfection of a greenhouse made of polycarbonate in spring

To keep the polycarbonate greenhouse happy for many years, you need to approach it with great responsibility. In the soil constantly live microorganisms, both useful and harmful, the concentration of the latter can sometimes go off scale. To save the future crop from pathogenic microorganisms, it is possible to remove the top soil layer, or it may be easier to disinfect the greenhouse.

Disinfection of greenhouses in spring

The greenhouse should be washed both outside and inside with a plain rag with water or soapy water. Perform such a procedure in early spring. To disinfect the greenhouse from polycarbonate, hard brushes and sponges can not be used, they can damage the protective layer. You can also treat with chlorine lime - inside the greenhouse it is necessary to sprinkle abundantly with this liquid (400 g of lime per 10 liters of water).

To disinfect the greenhouses in the spring you can use a sulfur checker, but be careful, the inhalation of such air is fraught with poisoning . Use a gas mask or respirator. Smoke from the sulfur bead penetrates into hard-to-reach places in the greenhouse, killing pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Soil disinfection in the greenhouse

The soil is disinfected with copper sulfate. It is sold in the form of a solution and allows to fight with powdery mildew, late blight and bacterioses. Good means for disinfection of greenhouses - dolomite flour or garden lime. They deplete the soil. They are brought in autumn, about 50 g per 1 sq. M. Dolomite flour is scattered over the soil surface and dug up.

The soil can be treated with hot boiling water. This method is good when you need to process a small area. The site is abundantly poured with steep boiling water, then carefully dried. The greenhouse should be tightly closed.

Having carried out simple work on disinfection of a greenhouse made of polycarbonate in the spring, you will enjoy fresh, environmentally friendly vegetables all season.