Reproduction of hydrangea by cuttings in spring

With its bright and lush bloom, a magnificent hydrangea is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Most gardeners, once seeing the scattering of large corymbar clusters (up to 15 cm in diameter) of flowers of blue, white, lilac or pink color, can not stand and are eager to grow this ornamental shrub on their possessions. And, by the way, it is not necessary to buy plant seedlings. Hydrangea perfectly multiplies by seeds, layers, offspring and division of a bush. We will consider such a method of vegetative reproduction of hydrangeas, as the cuttings in the spring.

Selection and cutting of material

The method of propagation of hydrangea by garden cuttings in spring is considered to be the most effective and therefore prevalent among owners of dachas and household plots. Despite the fact that it is recommended to engage in shrub cuttings during the appearance of buds on branches (in the summer), such a reproduction of hydrangeas in the spring is quite possible. Are engaged in cutting cuttings in the middle-end of May, when on branches young green growths - spring shoots developed. They will be the material for growing seedlings.

If we talk about how to prepare a hydrangea for reproduction in the spring, then there is no need for special measures. Just important to properly care for the bush, producing timely pruning, watering and fertilizing. Sharp knives or scissors cut off the top of the young shoot. Note that in the future cuttings there should be 2-3 pairs of leaves - the so-called knots. The cut itself is performed obliquely under the last node.

Reproduction of hydrangeas by garden cuttings - planting

Before planting, each cut should be cut off both lower leaves. The remaining pairs of leaves need to be cut halfway across the plate. Cut off cuttings can be inserted into a pot of wet sand. But experienced gardeners recommend performing several improving and accelerating rooting procedures:

  1. Place for 2-12 hours in a solution of phytohormones or biostimulants, for example, in a solution of Epine, Zircon or HB-101.
  2. Treatment of the lower part of the cuttings by root-growth biostimulators, for example, Coronerost, Heteroauxin, Kornevin. Powder simply powder the ends of the cuttings.

After this, the prepared cuttings should be placed in a box or pot with moist sand, deepening the lower part for 2-3 cm. And plant future seedlings should be inclined - approximately 45 degrees. After that cuttings are sprayed and covered with a usual package or a glass jar. The container with the planting material is placed in a shady place with an air temperature of 18-25 degrees.

Reproduction of hydrangea by cuttings - care and transplantation to open ground

In the future cuttings will need systematic ventilation from the cover, frequent watering and spraying the top of the plants. With proper care rooting roots in young plants will appear in a month and a half. The appearance of the root system will mark the future transplanting seedlings in separate pots. Put a drainage layer on the bottom of the tank, and then a soil prepared from sheet earth, sand and peat, taken in the ratio 2: 1: 1. The transplanted young plants are again placed in the penumbra.

With the arrival of cold weather, pots and seedlings can be moved to the cellar. If there is no cellar, the containers are buried in the ground in the garden, which will help to prevent the roots from freezing. Do not interfere with the shelter of leaves or straw from frost.

In spring, the hydrangea seedlings grown from the cuttings are neatly, together with the earthen lump, transplanted into the open ground. To develop a lush crown, the young plant should be cut in half or even more.