Pigmented spots on the hands

The pigment spots appearing on the hands usually do not bother physically at all - they do not deliver pain, they are not inflamed. However, many consider them a cosmetic flaw. Pigmentation can appear at any age. But still, the appearance of spots up to 40-50 years is indicative of health problems that must be addressed.

The causes of the appearance of pigment spots on the hands

To understand why the pigmentation spots appear on the hands, you need to know that the increased pigmentation occurs because of the following factors:

How to remove pigment spots on the hands?

Knowing that one of the most important causes of age spots is sun exposure to the skin, you should try to avoid having your hands suffer from the effects of ultraviolet rays.

Before you begin the process of removing pigment spots on the hands, folk remedies, it is important to know the following. People's methods of dealing with the problem help if the pigmentation appeared as a result of solar exposure. If the cause lies in the diseases of the internal organs, even the vanished spots can return again.

So, such folk remedies are good:

  1. Lemon juice. You need to apply to those places where there are age spots, moistened in a juice of a lemon wool disc and do so for at least two months twice a day. The same procedure can be done with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Peel of potatoes. Cut the peel and apply it inside to the stains.
  3. Mustard ointment. A mixture of sunflower oil, lemon juice and mustard in a proportion of 1: 1: 6, apply once a day.
  4. Baths of lemon and dill. Half a cup of lemon juice, a few large spoons of chopped fresh dill put in a liter of warm water. keep hands in such a mixture for half an hour once a day.
  5. Cucumber gruel. Put the hands in a mass of grated cucumber on 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water and soak in parsley broth. After that, hands do not wash for 2-3 hours.
  6. Decoction of rice. Water after the rice boiled in it strain and freeze. Such ice cubes wipe the skin of the hands.

Cream for pigment spots on hands

To lighten the pigment spots on the hands can use creams, which include hydroquinone. Apply the whitening cream twice a day with massage movements.