Rosemary - growing in an apartment

A stranger from the Mediterranean, rosemary has been widely recognized not only as a spice, but also because of its medicinal properties . It has long been noted that if you place rosemary in an apartment, its inhabitants will sleep better, get rid of nervousness and headaches . About the subtleties of growing rosemary in the apartment on the windowsill, we'll talk today.

Conditions for growing rosemary

As you know, rosemary is a perennial ever green plant. Often attempts to settle him on the garden are unsuccessful because of his inability to bear the winter weather. But at home, the cultivation of rosemary is a fairly successful undertaking, it is only necessary to arrange suitable conditions for it:

  1. Like all inhabitants of the Mediterranean, rosemary adores sunlight. Therefore, it should be placed on well-lit windowsills, where it will receive sun baths for at least 8 hours a day.
  2. In the summer, the pot with rosemary is best sent to the loggia or veranda so that not only does he receive the required amount of ultraviolet light, but also experiences night / day temperature changes. In the mode of street hardening, rosemary can stay until the night temperatures begin to approach zero.
  3. The room with rosemary should be regularly ventilated, because the stagnation of moist air around it can lead to the appearance of false-dew on it.
  4. In winter, the conditions of keeping rosemary should be as close to the usual for him, organizing him a "cold winter". This does not mean that you need to put it in the cold outside or hide it in the cellar. It will be enough if the temperature in the room with rosemary does not exceed + 14 ° C. In this case, good lighting should be provided.
  5. Every spring, rosemary should be moved to a new pot filled with a mixture of peat, deciduous, turfy ground, sand and humus. It is best for a rosemary suitable medium sized ceramic pot, in which the plant will be able to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen.
  6. To water rosemary should be very carefully, making sure that the soil in the pot was neither waterlogged nor dried. And it is not enough, and overflowing can lead to the fact that the rosemary will start to discard the leaves, or even completely die.

Rosemary - growing in the apartment cuttings

Most often, as a method of reproduction of rosemary, cuttings are used. For reproduction, you can use only adult shoots, the skin on which has already had time to coarsen. The selected stem is cut off and sent to a container with clean standing water until the roots appear. There are often cases when in the water the roots on the rosemary do not want to appear. To avoid the death of the cuttings, it can be sent to rooting not into water, but into a moist mixture of sand and peat. For the duration of germination, the container with the handle is moistened from the spray gun and kept away from direct sunlight.

Rosemary - growing a house from seeds

Another way to propagate rosemary at home is to grow it from seeds. Seeds of rosemary remain viable for two to three years, during which they should be stored in a dry cool place in tissue bags. No special preparation of seeds is necessary before their sowing, but the greenhouse for their better germination will have to be built. To sow the seeds of rosemary, you need in March to a shallow container with a mixture of peat and gravel (1/1), placing them on the surface of the soil mixture and slightly sprinkling with sand. Immediately after sowing, the soil in the container should be moistened, and above the capacity to build a mini-greenhouse. When real shoots appear on the shoots, rosemary seedlings can be dived into separate pots.