Planting carrots in spring

The early planting of carrots in spring on your site is the guarantee of a good and early ripening harvest! It would seem that it is easier, as it seems, at first glance, to plant carrots on a bed? But in fact there are many subtleties, knowing which, you can increase your yield several times. In this article - a real storehouse of tips on how to plant carrots in the spring.

Select a location

To begin with, it is worth considering that carrots will not tolerate the neighborhood of parsley, parsnip, dill and celery. The place for sowing carrots in spring should be chosen from the calculation that it should be lit by the sun throughout the daylight hours, and this is very important! It will be very good if last year on the same place grew cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes. The time when it is necessary to plant carrots in spring is the second important factor on which the quantity and quality of the harvest will depend. The day should be warmer than +12 degrees, and at night it is not colder than + 5-7 degrees. Only in this case the flower arrows will not develop actively, but instead the carrot root itself will grow. Now let's ask the experienced truck farmers what carrots to put in early spring?

Variety selection and seed preparation

Of the particularly delicious and early ripening varieties of carrots, we will single out only a few: "Alenka", "Tushon" and "Vitamin". Let's start with the famous tasty and sweet carrot "Alenka". Carrots, which are already suitable for sale, can be obtained less than two months after sowing, and just in food - and even earlier. The average weight of its roots is 140-170 grams.

The Tushon variety grows 10-12 days later than the Alenka variety, but the carrot itself is larger (155-190 grams), and the color of its core is more saturated. This grade is ideal for the preparation of pilaf, even a young carrot of the "Tushon" variety excellently "paints" it.

The next of the presented varieties of carrots is called "Vitamin". Its merits can be judged from the name itself. She ripens much later (105-115 days), has a very convenient form for cleaning. Its average weight varies between 145-155 grams.

So, the variety is selected, we proceed to the final pre-plant preparation. To discard the "empty" seeds, they must be soaked for 8-9 hours in water. All the "substandard" will emerge, we throw out these seeds. To get carrots for a couple of weeks before, we germinate the seeds on a damp cloth in the heat (23-25 ​​degrees), after the appearance of the roots we sow.

Sowing and care

After waiting for good weather, when it will be possible to plant carrots in the spring, dig up the beds and harrow them. On the soil we make beds, the width between them should be at least 15-20 centimeters. After marking the site, we make straight grooves, we spill them with water. If you followed the recommendations on germination from the past section, then you need to sow seeds in small amounts. Consider that weeds . Carrots are very fond of water! Water should be so that the soil is soaked in 30-35 almost every seed will germinate. For this reason, the seeds should be placed in the furrow one at a time, every 2-3 centimeters. Sprinkle the soil with a sowing groove, slightly compact it from above. Within 3-4 days you will already see the shoots.

Give carrots more attention to the beds, do not allow them to occupy centimeters. Only in this case you can get really juicy carrots. Do not forget to stock up the "Actellik" insecticide to be fully armed in case of a carrot fly attack.

We hope that you will appreciate our advice on how to properly plant and care for carrots in the spring. It remains to wish you a plentiful harvest of delicious and juicy carrots!