Chrysanthemums - planting and care in the open ground

Chrysanthemum is not in vain called the Queen of Autumn, because these pretty flowers of bright colors adorn our gardens, beginning in September and until the frosts.

There are a lot of species and varieties of chrysanthemums , but, interestingly, there is no single system for their classification. In different countries they are divided into classes (in Germany and France there are 10, in the United States and in Great Britain - 15). But somehow, the beauty and grandeur of these noble flowers does not suffer from this - chrysanthemums were and remain one of the most popular among lovers of autumn flowers.

Chrysanthemum planting

Choosing the right place for a chrysanthemum bush is one of the most important moments when planting it. The bush should be located in a warm, sunny, windy place. This will guarantee the rapid growth and branching, the development of a good bush shape and safe wintering.

This plant categorically does not tolerate moisture stagnation in the roots, so try to choose a place for planting on a hill, if such an opportunity exists. The soil under the chrysanthemums must be loose, fertile, air-permeable and water-permeable. The acidity of the soil is closer to neutral, weakly acid soils are also suitable. If the soil cover of your site is clayey or sandy, then before planting chrysanthemum it should be improved with the help of organic. The ideal fertilizer for this is humus or biohumus, and complex fertilizers will not be superfluous.

Plant chrysanthemums in the spring, when the threat of recurrent frosts passed, or in the fall, at least two weeks before the onset of frost. For garden work, choose an overcast or rainy day. Prepare a hole for each bush or one common trench, where you place seedlings with an interval of 30-50 cm. In order to accelerate the rooting of the chrysanthemum, after planting, pour the trench with Kornevin's solution. After that, pinch the growth point in each bush, and then cover the seedlings with a spunbond or other covering material. It should be removed when the seedlings go to growth.

Care for chrysanthemums in the garden

Chrysanthemum - not the most capricious flower, for the care of it in the open ground still requires knowledge of some secrets.

So, for example, when the eighth leaf appears at the seedlings, the top of the plant and the young side shoots should be pinched so that your chrysanthemum has a beautiful bush shape.

As for the main moments of caring for perennial chrysanthemums, they are as follows:

Separately, it should be said about fertilizing. For a season there should be three. The first time chrysanthemum is fed 7-8 weeks after planting with nitrogen fertilizers (for example, ammonia nitrogen). This is in favor of building up the green mass. Then, during the budding period, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. They are convenient bring in the root the next day after watering or a good rain. The third supplementary feeding will be the introduction of organic fertilizer (mullein, bird droppings). However, it is important not to overdo it, because otherwise the plant can simply "burn".

Transplant chrysanthemum is recommended every three years. At the same time, you can multiply it by dividing the bush, and then plant these bushes on your site.

Correctly planting chrysanthemum in the open field and mastering the care of it, you will become a happy owner of the "golden flower" (this is translated from the Greek name of the flower) in your autumn garden!