LFK after a fracture of the hand

Fracture of the hand - the injury is very unpleasant, which not only for a long time makes us change the usual way of life, but also requires a long and difficult recovery. LFK after a fracture of the hand is a mandatory procedure. A specially selected set of physical exercises helps to restore muscles more quickly and return the injured hand to a normal life.

LFK hands in different periods

Due to the fact that the broken arm is in immobilized state for a long time, it changes markedly in size, the skin on it becomes bluish, but the worst thing is that the patient can not use the limbs for the whole hundred - the function of movement is limited. LFK after a fracture of the hand from all these problems helps to get rid of:

  1. The first recovery period is very loyal. The patient needs to move more healthy fingers, develop the shoulder and elbow joints (if they are not under the cast). All the exercises at this stage should be very slow and gradual.
  2. The second period is significant in that the patient can finally remove the plaster. Most of the attention at this stage of treatment is concentrated on restoring the motor function of the wrist.
  3. During the third period, recovery after a fractured arm of the exercise therapy is to work on the mobility of the fingers, interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints.

During the exercise, the patient should not feel any discomfort. If a movement causes pain, they should be abandoned for a while. Doing exercises through strength, you can only harm your health.

Complex of exercises LFK at a fracture of a hand

For each patient the complex of exercises is selected individually, depending on the place and complexity of the fracture. The most popular exercises of exercise therapy, restoring the hand after a long stay in the cast, are as follows:

  1. Raise your hand up to your head and try to comb yourself.
  2. Make rotational movements with brushes. Repeat the exercise 12 times in one direction and the other.
  3. Place your thumb and forefinger on the table and do the "twine" exercise.
  4. Try to make a few claps with your arms outstretched before your chest and behind your back (this is a more difficult task).

To restore the hands after the fracture are very effective exercise with exercise with a stick. Many experts recommend practicing physiotherapy exercises in the pool with warm water.