Warm up before running

Warm-up before running is really an important point that can not be missed. Proper warm-up will not only save you from injury, but also help the body work more efficiently and without unnecessary overload.

Use of warm-up before running

Some believe that it is enough to conduct a warm-up directly in motion. However, if you take it out before training, it will bring much more benefit, and it's not just about protecting the body from injuries, and you - from pain.

It is proved that warming up positively affects the human nervous system. If you start running without training, especially in a sleepy state early in the morning, your body is under extreme stress, which will definitely affect your health. You can feel irritation or completely lose motivation for jogging.

For the cardiovascular system, warm-up before running is equally important. If you just sharply increase the heart rate without preparing for this organism, the load on the heart muscle will be unnecessarily intense, which can eventually lead to problems with the heart. When you warm up, you gradually raise the pulse, and the organism suffers a run positively.

It does not matter whether you practice sprint races or leisurely jogging - in any case, warm-up is necessary. It should not be too long, but it must be thorough. Only 5-7 minutes can always be found in order to protect your body.


The correct warm-up before running should be complex and mainly include exercises for the legs, back and stretching. It is this complex that will save you from the pain and allow you to feel good. Before you do a warm-up, you should immediately get ready for a jog, or conduct warm-ups directly on the street, since the time between warm-up and jogging should be minimal. So, warm-up for running:

  1. Start with the cervical spine. Perform head inclinations first forward-backward, then right-left. After that, tilt your head to your shoulders in turn and at the end make a few very slow and careful rotation of the head in a circle to the right and left.
  2. Standing evenly, feet shoulder width apart, stretch your arms out to the sides. First, rotate the brushes back and forth, then perform circular motions in the elbow joint, then, as necessary, break the shoulders.
  3. Perform inclinations forwards and backwards, and also to the right and left to stretch the lower back.
  4. Now a very important point: a warm-up for the feet. Standing on one leg, put the other foot in front of you and bend at an angle of 90 degrees. Rotate the ankle first one way, then the other. After this, repeat the exercise for the knee and for the hip joint, and then for the other leg.
  5. Perform an additional workout for the knees: bending your legs and placing your arms in front on the hips, perform circular movements in the knee joint first to one, then to the other side.
  6. A good warm-up necessarily includes a stretching: make a thrust forward and sideways for each leg. Then stand flat, feet together, touch the floor in front of you and fix this position for 5-10 seconds. From this position, rise up slowly, the vertebra behind the vertebrae, stretching your back.

Do you think that such a warm-up will make running too long? In fact, the complex takes only 5-7 minutes, but you will break all the joints and stretch the leg muscles, than help them to work effectively and effectively. By the way, the complex of stretching would be nice to repeat as a warm-up after the run: warmed up with aerobic muscle loads are excellent, you can excellently develop its plasticity.