What can not be given to a man?

What should be guided when choosing a gift for a man - personal taste, signs or practicality? Each of us has a desire to please a gift and sincerely please, but how many doubts and what a difficult choice! It will be easier to determine if you know exactly what gifts you can not give to a man.

What a man can not give?

Experience and long-term practice of failures with presents for the powerful of the world made it possible to create a whole list of things that it is better not to use as a gift to a man:

  1. Traditionally inappropriate gifts. For example, here's what you can not give your beloved man: socks - for it will go away; cowards - will change; sharp, stinging objects - a forecast for exacerbation and even a break in relations. Another famous tradition is the watch. Why not give a man a watch - because this device for measuring time is attributed to the mystical properties of counting the rest of life, at least - the relationship.
  2. Banal things. Slippers, diaries, regular cups - all this brings to mind the idea of ​​a steady aging. In the same category, money is a signal of indifference and inattention. Books - except that the desired and long-sought-for rarity. Alcohol also gets here.
  3. Things with a hint. For example, dumbbells and other subscriptions will dispel the illusion of physical irresistibility.
  4. Personal things. From socks and linens to perfume and means for hygiene - here in men everything is not the same as for women. Just do not give it. Unless you ordered something specific.
  5. Practical gifts. These are things that you should already buy: new clothes and shoes, seasonal tools for cars, replacement of worn accessories.
  6. Burdensome gifts. These include everything that will require a special relationship, the cost of effort and time, or create a sense of duty.

The general advice is this: exclude from the gift options anything that does not bear the imprint of your good attitude and attention, discard the banalities and remember that the gift is an integral part of this holiday.