What it is better to eat for breakfast?

Breakfast is an important food intake, providing the body with energy for the first half of the day, therefore it is undesirable to miss it. If you are interested in what is best for breakfast and when, then this article is for you.

What is better to eat for breakfast?

Experts believe that the best breakfast is porridge. Of course, the famous oatmeal will be an ideal option, but you can cook any other porridge. It is complex carbohydrates , which are contained in porridge, will support us in a tone before lunch. Therefore, if you eat in the morning porridge, and even with the addition of something useful and tasty, you will not want to snack with harmful sweets.

Another excellent option for breakfast is curd, which, if desired, you can add honey, jam, dried fruits or nuts. By the way, when losing weight, you can not be afraid to recover from the sweet, because everything that is eaten in the morning, will be safely consumed for the day.

If you are not too fond of dairy products, you can replace them with an equally useful and nutritious breakfast option - an omelet. If you add a little cheese and spices to the eggs, you will get a healthy and tasty breakfast.

Best breakfast for a woman

Nutritionists tend to believe that women should eat breakfast porridge with milk and yogurt. These foods normalize metabolism and blood sugar, but if you need to lose weight, then remember: the best breakfast for slimming - oatmeal on the water, low-fat cottage cheese and green tea. These products will help to get rid of extra pounds, as they will accelerate metabolism, remove slag from the body and provide energy.

Best time for breakfast

If we talk about the best time for breakfast, nutritionists say that the most favorable time for morning meals is from seven to nine o'clock in the morning, as during this period the gastric juice is intensively secreted. Therefore, if you regularly skip breakfast, the opportunity to get gastritis increases several times.