
Dermabrasion is one of the most accessible and comfortable ways of face rejuvenation. This procedure does not take much time, but conducting it regularly, a woman can achieve good results in the fight for young and elastic skin. Deep dermabrasion is performed to smooth out scars and scars.

Today, there are many types of dermabrasion, and so you can choose the most suitable for your skin.

Despite the fact that its types are different, the principle of skin changes remains approximately the same - with the help of the apparatus or substance, the cells of the dermis are renewed, and so the elasticity increases, the wrinkles are smoothed and the color becomes even and fresh. With deep dermabrasion with the help of several procedures you can get rid of shallow scars.

Today dermabrasion can be done both in home and salon conditions.

Dermabrasion of the face in the salon

Laser dermabrasion is a new branch to cosmetology practice. It uses a different length of the laser beam, which is well absorbed by the skin cells, and under its influence they change. If you look at this process under a microscope, it will look like a microexplosion, but it is so small that it is practically not felt by a person.

Special apparatus for laser dermabrasion - CO2 and Eriebium.

The CO2 laser was used back in the 1960s, but not as widely as today. It was originally used in medicine for excision of tumors, and then it was noticed by cosmetologists, and they began to be used to solve cosmetological problems. This laser penetrates the skin only for a certain length - up to 50 microns. This is a great advantage, because this length of the beam is not capable of causing burns.

CO2 laser is suitable for the following problems:

Erybium laser appeared a little later - in the 90s of last century. It acts on the skin layer by layer, and differs from CO2 by a shorter wavelength, but at the same time greater absorption. In this case, it turns out that the erybium laser acts on the surface layer, and therefore the skin is practically not heated. Because of this property, an erbium laser is often called "cold dermabrasion". To use it, anesthesia is not needed, and the skin is restored in a short time, which is about 3 days. It is often used on large areas of the skin, and there is practically no difference between the treated and untreated zones.

Erybium laser is used for:

Another method used in salons for skin renewal is microcrystalline dermabrasion. It is based on the action of aluminum oxide, which updates the micron layers of the dermis. Particles of aluminum knock out keratinized cells from the skin layer, so this method is considered to be gentle, and is used to improve the complexion and overall maintenance of good skin condition. Today, there are tools that allow you to carry out this procedure at home.

Mechanical dermabrasion is the most radical method of grinding. It uses machines with scraping action, and therefore, a long recovery after the procedure is necessary for the skin. At the same time, mechanical dermabrasion is capable of removing scars of medium depth, and therefore its disadvantages can in some cases be justified.

Diamond dermabrasion helps to get rid of scars, uneven skin color and wrinkles. It refers to gentle procedures, because there is a vacuum suction with diamond tools. It is not toxic and has no side effects.

Dermabrasion at home

Home dermabrasion is, in fact, a superficial peeling. Today you can buy special tools at popular cosmetic brands - for example, Faberlik and Mary Kay.

Means from Faberlic is based on acids, and therefore there is a kind of chemical peeling.

The agent from Mary Kay consists of two phases and is based on mechanical action:

  1. The skin is applied to the grinding mass with small particles and gently massaged with fingers.
  2. After washing, balm is applied to the face, restoring the skin, after which it regenerates faster and begins to shine.