Polyarthritis of the fingers

Polyarthritis of the hands is a disease in which the joints of the fingers are inflamed, and which can be caused by a variety of causes: from the transferred infection to the pathological changes in the immune system.

Symptoms and causes of finger polyarthritis

Before treating polyarthritis of the fingers, it is necessary to find out what caused this problem, because the tactics of treatment depend on this. But also do not avoid treating the symptoms that accompany this pathology, because local treatment depends on them.

First and foremost, it should be noted that rheumatoid arthritis is classified as autoimmune diseases. Disturbances in the work of the immune system can be caused by both genetic factors, and external, as well as, the transferred diseases.

The specificity of autoimmune processes is that cells of immunity get malfunctioned, and not enemy cells attack, but relatives, and fight against the organism. In connection with this, so-called antibodies are produced which cause damage in this case of the cartilaginous tissue of the joints of the fingers.

To such work of immune cells results as a genetic predisposition (this means that the disease has a significant hereditary factor), as well as the transfer of infectious diseases. In addition, any intervention in the immune system can lead to its inadequate reactions - for example, using medication. Immunocorrectors, immunomodulators can have such an effect in case of incorrect application.

When one of these factors coincides, then the case remains with the trigger mechanism - the situation that will be the last reason for the formation of the polyarthritis of the fingers: it can be even experienced emotional stress, and such seemingly insignificant phenomena as overheating or hypothermia. More serious reasons, leading to the manifestation of the polyarthritis of the fingers - delivery, intoxication, poisoning.

In addition, the polyarthritis of the fingers leads to inflammation of the ligaments and tendons or monotonous heavy work by hands.

Symptoms of polyarthritis can vary in strength depending on the duration of the disease:

Treatment of polyarthritis of fingers

Treatment of polyarthritis of the hands is a complex and lengthy process, which may not end in success. It is rather difficult to stop the disease. Therefore, it is important to slow it down and remove anxious symptoms as early as possible.

First and foremost, of course, medicament means are used. In the fight against inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used - topically and inward in the form of tablets, in acute cases, injections are used. Such treatment is difficult for people who have contraindications to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The main ban on them in patients with peptic ulcer disease of the duodenum or stomach. They can use externally ointments that contain the minimum amount of NSAIDs of the active substance, as well as folk methods of treatment. Together with this, they need to be observed at the gastroenterologist.

NSAIDs reduce swelling, pain and inflammation, and therefore are a remedy that removes local manifestations of symptoms, but not the cause and not the disease itself.

To treat polyarthritis of the fingers, antirheumatic drugs are used - for example, Arthron and antibiotics when the infection is attached.

To make the cartilage tissue recover faster, use chondroprotectors - for example, Teraflex.

Also, physiotherapeutic procedures have a positive effect on treatment.

Folk remedies for the treatment of polyarthritis of the fingers

With polyarthritis of the joints of the fingers, you can use folk remedies to reduce pain:

  1. It is necessary to insist for 2 weeks 20 g of birch kidneys and pine needles in 100 ml of alcohol, after which the product is rubbed into the diseased joints, pre-heated with salt.
  2. You need to take 3 tsp. nettle, parsley, birch leaves and pour them with boiling water 500 ml, and then infuse for 2 hours. Tincture should be taken at 5 tablespoons. 3 times a day for 2 weeks.