Cave of Robinson Crusoe

Those who read the adventures of Robinson Crusoe, can return to the times of serene childhood and feel like a hero of a book novel, visiting his cave in Chile . The province of Valparaiso is rich in sights , the one of which is the cave of Robinson Crusoe. It is located on the homonymous island, located 500 km from the coast of the country.

History of an authentic island

The island of Robinson Crusoe enters the archipelago Juan Frenandes , and became a haven for one sailor, who suffered the fate of the fictional hero Daniel Defoe. He was put on a deserted island after a quarrel with the captain of the ship. In order not to die of hunger, the Scotsman Alexander Selkirk had to fight for his life in all possible ways. On the island, he lived all alone for four years and four months.

The island and the cave are now

On the island there is only one village - San Juan Batista. The history of the Scottish sailor on the island was learned after reading the book, but the search began only in 1960 with the joint efforts of scientists from Japan, Chile and England.

Luck smiled at the Japanese team, led by researcher Daisuke Takahashi. First they managed to find the remains of the homemade navigation device, and then the cave. This discovery attracted a large number of tourists who can live in a hotel, or in a specially created cave, very similar to the original refuge of Alexander Selkirk.

From the entire island, the biosphere reserve occupies 90%, due to which 140 unique species of plants and animals are found here. Cutting trees without special permission is prohibited.

In San Juan Batista, there are all the benefits of civilization, so try on life Robinson Crusoe will succeed if you settle in a special house or hut. Cooking will have the most of those products that bring local residents.

In addition to mastering the skills of the primitive man, you can see the sights of the island - the site from which the sailor looked out for ships, a cave, the Spanish fort of Santa Barbara . Or to do active kinds of rest - swimming, mountaineering, walks in the surrounding tropical forests. However, you can also luxuriate on the beautiful beaches, bask in the sun, which contributes to the good climate of the island.

Visit the cave Robinson Crusoe is definitely worth it, then to share fantastic experiences with friends and friends.

How to get to the island and the cave?

To get to the island and the cave of Robinson Crusoe, you should negotiate with a large group of people in advance, as the aircraft flies here only when fully loaded. Next, you should swim by boat for 2 hours along the coastline to the only village of San Juan Batista.