Pomeranian Spitz - care

Pomeranian Spitz is a beautiful friendly dog, which, despite its modest size, has a really big heart and all the qualities characteristic of a big dog - boldness, devotion and a desire to serve the master. Spitz will not leave indifferent even those who are not enthusiastic about decorative rocks, because thanks to their sociable nature and cheerful disposition this dog is able to charm anyone.

Pomeranian Spitz, care for which must be carried out according to all the rules, will be an excellent friend to the elderly, a young girl and in general to everyone who dreams of this charming pet. A perfect companion in games for children, in the company of adults, the Pomeranian Spitz is able to behave with restraint and dignity.

What hygiene procedures are needed for the Pomeranian Spitz?

Pomeranian dwarf spitz, care for which should be done with special attention and thoroughness, will appreciate your care and will please you every day with a wonderful mood and well-being.

Certainly, one of the main advantages of the appearance of the Pomeranian Spitz is his wool, dense and shiny. It should be noted that caring for a luxurious dog head is easy. Twice a week, comb your pet with a special brush (popularly called "pukedorka"), and after - the usual comb. It is not necessary to comb the dog every day, because in this case the Spitz can remain without undercoat.

The content of Pomeranian Spitz suggests the implementation of various hygienic procedures, in the conduct of which there are special features. For example, washing Pomeranian Spitz should be carried out very rarely - if it is soiled immediately before the exhibition, as well as if the Spitz molts. Do not forget that before washing wool the Spitz needs to be combed.

In the question of how to care for the Pomeranian Spitz, proper attention should be given to the teeth. In general, it is the teeth that are the weak point of small dogs. Therefore, it is very important to purchase a special toothpaste for dogs, as well as a brush, and regularly brush your teeth so that the dog does not have periodontal disease.

The dog's eyes must be treated with cotton wool soaked in warm boiled water. Procedure should be done as required.

As for the training to the tray, the small size of the pet helps the dog to use it at home - it is not necessary to take it outside so that it "does its work."

What to feed the Pomeranian Spitz?

The question of what to feed the Pomeranian Spitz is also very relevant. The ideal choice for a pet is dry food. First, they do not require preparation. Secondly, this type of food is ideal for dogs, because the food is already balanced, contains a certain amount of vitamins and trace elements, useful for your pet.

In the event that you have made a choice in favor of "human" food, do not forget that the best option for a dog is a mono-diet. Do not treat the pet with sweets, smoked products, milk.

Training and education

Training Pomeranian Spitz is fairly easy, with it can even cope with someone who has never dealt with the education of animals. Spitz is so smart that he remembers many teams from the first time. It must be remembered that for the harmonious development of the dog one can not limit the communication of the Spitz to people.

The education of the Pomeranian Spitz should be focused on ensuring that the dog can direct its excess energy into the right direction. To do this, she needs frequent walks, and the Spitz will be an excellent companion in outdoor sports. Excessive activity of the dog will be realized, and your pet will show only its best qualities in communicating with you.