The most stupid breeds of dogs

They say that dogs are considered one of the most intelligent animals in the world. They are able to understand various gestures, words, and some of them even consider up to five. But every rule has exceptions - in the world there are also the most stupid breeds of dogs. So.

Top of the most stupid dogs

You ask, which breed of dogs is the most stupid of all? The first place in the list is the chow-chow . It was not created in order to think and give in to training. The Chinese took her out to protect their homes, and sometimes even for consumption.

The second place is occupied by the Afghan greyhound . Very elegant and graceful, but lacking in intelligence, and for no reason will someone obey.

The third place in the rating of the most stupid breeds of dogs in the world went to Basenji . In her habits she looks like a cat: she can lick herself for a long time, sit and watch for hours at the window. And as you know, cats are far from those animals that can easily be trained.

In fourth place is the bulldog . This dog is affectionate and devoted, but it is very slow, and before performing any command, will prefer to think it over first.

The fifth place belongs to the greyhound . It can not be said that this breed is too stupid, just so aristocratic that it loves itself more than others. It will be necessary to tinker considerably to educate her.

Dogs not included in the top five of the most stupid dog breeds ranking "

The sixth place in the top ten is the bloodhound . The breed is not different in mind, but it has an important advantage - an excellent scent. She can smell anything.

The seventh place went to Pekingese . The dog resembles a crying child, it is harmful and capricious, and hardly anyone will be able to teach her good manners.

Eighth place in the list of the most stupid breeds of dogs top 10 took mastiff . Because of its strength and power, this dog is an incorrigible homebody, it is heavy and passive, so many consider it stupid.

The ninth place belongs to the basset hound . Just look at the dull face, saggy ears and awkward walk of this dog, I want to say: "What a silly girl."

Completes the rating of the most stupid dog breeds of Shih Tzu . Originally derived for royal families, who needed only a living toy without claims to the mind.