Wood filler for cat litter

If the cat lives in the house and there is no cat's smell, then the owners have found the ideal solution for keeping animals. After all, it happens - and the tray is beautiful, and the filler is not bad, but the cat is not pleased, and all this beauty she proudly ignores. If, when replacing the tray, your pet is neglected to him, perhaps, the reason is in the filler. By nature, cats love to have something in the tray, in which one could dig a hole, and this is something they should really like. You can use paper, sawdust or sand, but this only partially solves the problem. Quality filler for the cat's toilet, which we offer manufacturers of goods for cats, will turn the content of our pets into pleasure.

Wood filler for animals

Wood absorbent filler is a granule of crushed and compressed wood dust, which absorbs moisture well and retains the smell. For the production of high quality filler, pine and spruce wood is used, without any additives. In addition, it has antiseptic properties. Sometimes instead of wood manufacturers take other organic substances, such, for example, as a shell of walnuts. When applying new technologies in production, granules are obtained ecologically safe, cheap in price and in addition do not cause allergies.

Buying wood filler for cat litter, you will save a lot of time, because you do not have to throw it outside, or you can just wash it off with water in the toilet. From an absolutely healthy animal filler can be used as a fertilizer. The cat attracts in it a pleasant natural smell. It is eaten without harm to health by rodents for which it is also intended.

If you bought a woody filler for cats, and you did not like it, you most likely chose low-quality products. Since the market has a law "price-quality", very cheap fillings for cat litter, as a rule, poorly absorb moisture, quickly decay and do not retain the smell. For this reason, the expense of a cheap filler is always greater.

When buying products, it is desirable to pay attention to the strength of the packaging and to analyze information about its contents. Self-respecting firms indicate from what the filler is made, how much moisture it absorbs and for what animals it is intended. As good goods themselves make advertising, you are sure to find the best option for yourself.

In addition to the absorbent filler for the cat's toilet, which absorbs moisture all poured granules, there is a clumping filler. It differs from the previous one by the fact that a lump forms in the place where moisture enters, which must be thrown out of the tray.

To scrape in the cat tray, do not scatter pellets, buy for your favorites chunks with high sides without a net and a lattice sovochkom, which is convenient to remove feces or a tray that has a mesh. Many recommend placing a mat under the tray. In this case, the particles adhering to the cat's tabs remain on the mat. The granules of wood filler are suitable for large cats and small kittens. Because they are available in different sizes.

How to use wood filler for cat litter?

Usually the filler is poured into a deep tray a layer of up to three centimeters, and in the presence of a grid, the layer can be reduced to one centimeter. When there are hardened excrement, they are removed with a sovochkom. If you catch an unpleasant smell, you need to completely replace the filler. To ensure that your pet feels comfortable, after each replacement of the filler tray must be thoroughly washed.