Tape worms

Band worms or, as they are called cestodes, belong to a group of flatworms. They live in the intestines and provoke the development of various diseases. The most common ailments caused by such worms include hymenolepiasis, teniarinhoz, diphyllobothriasis and teniosis.

Symptoms of tapeworms

Symptoms of parasitizing ribbon worms in the digestive tract in humans are:

In rare cases, the skin shows hives, redness and itching.

Treatment of tapeworms

If a person has been found bandworm, treatment should begin with the reception of Fenasal. It causes paralysis of the neuromuscular apparatus of various parasites and they can not eat, move or fix on the walls of the intestine. These tablets from ribbon worms in humans do not cause any side effects and excrete enzymes of dead worms along with feces. Fenasalum is dissolved in hot water together with sodium bicarbonate and taken in the evening before going to bed or in the morning on an empty stomach. The dosage of such a drug is prescribed by the attending physician.

Band worms in humans can be eliminated with the help of such a drug as Praziquantel. It is available in the form of small tablets, coated with a shell, and has a wide range of effects. This tool causes paralysis of the musculature of the worms, as a result of which parasites are excreted from the body very easily. Praziquantel is quickly and completely absorbed into the blood from the digestive tract. But during the day 80% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys, so it rarely causes side effects.

Effective in the fight against ribbon worms and such medicines as: