Popular nicknames for boys cats

Choosing a nickname for a pet is not so simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, we must try to make the name fit the appearance, temper and breed of the animal. Therefore, to pick up beautiful nicknames for male cats, you need to consider some important points.

The most popular nicknames of cats-boys

Popular nicknames for cats are many boys, sometimes they reflect the breed of the cat, sometimes the place of residence, the color of the coat or the character of the animal. For example, the most popular nicknames for cats in rural areas sound simple: Vaska, Petka, Murchik, Senya, Filya. These options reflect the appearance or nature of the pet: Ryzhik, Black, Gray, Smokey, Gray, Zhivchik, Babnik. You can call a cat your favorite fruit: Apricot, Peach. Distributed by such a nickname for the pet, like the Marquis, it sounds short, noble, and beautiful. It is said that animals born in winter initially have a rather tough character, and summer ones, on the contrary, are excessively soft and lazy. Therefore, winter kittens are best called softly, for example, Barsik, Pushok, Babasik, Darsik, and summer ones are more official: Volt, Felix, Oscar, Caesar.

Separately, we should mention the popular nicknames for cats of the British . Animals of this breed have a majestic and independent temper. The British are struggling to be important and even slightly belligerent, but inside they remain very kind. Therefore, to call such a wonderful pet is not easy, because its name should reflect the nobility of the breed, the strength of character, but it should not be too convoluted. Of course, it's better that the name of the British cat sounded in English, it would at least be logical. Possible names are: Alex, Benji, Max, Patrick, Stanley, Thomas, Chester, Archie, Bucks, Denny and others.