What are the vitamins in tangerines?

Bright orange fragrant balls, which we all adore, have long become an unofficial symbol of the New Year! We are talking, of course, about tangerines. It is believed that their homeland is the Chinese empire, and that they are one of the most ancient cultivated plants.

Today, on the shelves of our stores, we see many varieties of mandarins. We already know which variety is sweeter, in which there are fewer seeds and thinner than the skin, but many people do not even know what vitamins are in the mandarins!

Why is it useful to eat tangerines?

It turns out that orange suns are very useful fruits! Benefits bring not only the content of vitamin C in tangerines, but also the other useful in them:

  1. Vitamins in mandarins increase appetite, speed up metabolic processes.
  2. The juice of these citrus fruits works as an antimicrobial agent, helps to defeat thrush.
  3. With a climax, mandarins will help stop bleeding.
  4. Vitamins from mandarins help people with diabetes, effectively reducing blood sugar.
  5. Vitamin B1 will cure problems with nerves, vitamin D will be useful in winter, with sun deficiency, vitamin K will strengthen the vessels.
  6. Mandaric juice perfectly cleanses thirst at elevated temperature.
  7. The substance of synephrine, which is also in the mandarins, makes them an excellent remedy for bronchitis.

What vitamins are found in tangerines?

It is necessary to recognize that the contents of vitamins tangerines slightly lose oranges, however, if you calculate the total amount of nutrients, then according to this indicator, citrus fruits will be equivalent.

So, what vitamins contain one mandarin? In one fruit, 88% water, 1.9 g fiber, 0.9 g protein, 9.5 g sugar, as much as 30 mg. ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 0.08 mg. vitamin B1, 0, 084 mg. vitamin B6, 0.03 mg. vitamin B2, 12.0 mg. vitamin A, 0.4 mg. vitamin E, 0.2 mg. vitamin D.

How many vitamins in the tangerine, you already know. There are plenty of useful substances in them, too. In one fetus: 34 mg. calcium, 0.15 mg. iron, 12 mg. magnesium, 20 mg. phosphorus, 166 mg. potassium and 2 mg. sodium. Also in the fruits are extremely useful pectins, organic acids and phytoncides. With all this, tangerines do not contain fats, their calorie content is only 42 calories per hundred grams of fruit, so those who are afraid for their harmony, can eat them without fear.

As you can see, these golden fruits are not only incredibly tasty, but also useful! Rejoice yourself and your body with these citrus fruits, preferably all year round!