Singonium - signs and superstitions

Charming vines with leaves that look like green hearts, have come to the liking of many florists. But around the syngonium there is a mass of signs and superstitions, the significance of which is not always positive. This frightens off many from the acquisition of such a green pet, so it's worth taking a closer look at the issue, then not blaming an innocent flower.

Signs and superstitions about the syngonyum

Most often you can hear that this flower contributes to the destruction of relationships, some even call it "muzhegonom." But this reputation is awarded to almost all vines. Specialists in Feng Shui attribute a different meaning to the syngonyum, calling it a poisonous breath, which is understandable - the milky juice of the plant is really toxic. Although the Chinese experts themselves explain their dislike with sharp leaves, which, like all corners, carry negative energy. True, it can be neutralized with the help of an amulet. And there are no more complaints about the flower, but there are other, more joyful signs.

There is an opinion that the syngonium is the keeper of the home. Also, because of the rapid growth of the plant, it is called a symbol of positive changes, for example, many believe that a flower is capable of speeding up a patient's recovery. And the ability of a plant to change as it grows up (the shape and even the color of the leaves can drastically change over time) led to the idea of ​​the need to find a flower in a house that long ago had to abandon the painful craving for the past tense. So if you need to get rid of something old, it's time to get a syngonyum. It is also noted that planting the plant in the bedroom helps to reduce the number of unpleasant dreams. A completes the list of signs and superstitions associated with the syngonyum belief in the ability of the flower to bring its owner success in business.