What is itching for?

In the life of our people, signs have long been of great importance. Despite the fact that in the modern world many superstitions are forgotten, some people continue to live, observing the traditions of their ancestors. Signs arose due to observation, so there are special reasons for not trusting them. The signs explaining why the pimple or itching appeared on the tongue, or on other parts of the body, are the most popular. Thanks to them you can learn about interesting facts of the near future. One clarification - if the itching persists for a long period of time, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of the presence of some kind of disease.

What is itching for?

According to a popular example, this itch is a harbinger of acquaintance with a man who will eventually have to spend a lot of time. And conversations will be empty, which will cause a lot of irritation. We'll figure out what the sign means, what's the point of the tongue. In this case, this is a clear warning that the enemies have moved on to active activities, and plan bad deeds. To confuse the enemies it is recommended to gently prick the tip of the tongue with a thin needle, and then take the white thread, tie the knot and throw it into the fire. Instead, you can pour on the tongue a little salt or pepper. Thanks to this mini-ritual, all bad plans will turn against the enemies themselves. There is another common interpretation of the sign , why it itches the tongue. Our ancestors believed that there is a man next to him who dissolves gossip and he should not be trusted. It is recommended at this time to bite the tongue.

Other signs of itching in the tongue

If you scratch your tongue without a reason, then soon you will have to receive guests.

When the itching appears at the base, then it is worth waiting for unpleasant conversations. It is advisable to think through each of your words so as not to provoke a conflict .

If the tongue is combed in the middle, then, soon there will be a desire to gossip, but it is necessary to resist such temptation.

Still it would be desirable to stop on a sign, that means, if there was a spot on tongue. The people believe that in this case a person recently lied about something or someone verbally offended. Hence arose a well-known proverb: "Tipun to your tongue" (a mite is a small pimple). Use this saying in case that the said bad words do not become a reality.