Apple jam in the multivariate

Apple jam , cooked in a multivark, turns out deliciously tasty, rich and fragrant. It can be used as an independent treat, or it can be used as a filling for pies.

The recipe for apple jam in the multivark



Apples are washed, cut into slices and remove the cores. Now put them into the bowl of the multivark, top off with sugar, close the device with a lid and cook in the "Quenching" mode for about 2 - 2.5 hours, periodically stirring the apple jam . Ready-made hot jam is poured over jars and tightened with lids.

A recipe for apple jam with oranges in a multivark



Apples and oranges are washed, peeled, seeded and crushed in cubes. Lemon shreds small slices together with the skin. Now we put everything in the bowl of the multivark, fall asleep with sugar, set the "Quenching" mode and cook apple jam with oranges for about 2-3 hours. During cooking, open the lid periodically and stir the jam with a spoon.

Ready, well-brewed delicacy grind the submerged blender in puree, after which we again boil the jam in the multivark for another 7-10 minutes. Then we pour the jam on sterilized jars and tighten the lids.

Jam from apples and plums in a multivark



Plum well rinse under running water, spread on the table and let the water drain, and then additionally dry with a towel. Next, carefully take out the fruits of the bones, and turn the plums with a blender in puree. Apples are also washed, we remove mid-dots, tails and we cut the fruit into lobules. Now shift the plum puree and apples into one container and mix well. We put the bowl on a very small fire, heat it, pour some sugar, mix everything thoroughly and cook for another 10 minutes.

Warm the warm fruit puree carefully into the capacity of the multivark, install it in the appliance, close it with a lid and turn it on by selecting the "Baking" mode and cooking time - 20 minutes. When the ready signal sounds, pour the remaining sugar into the mass, mix it and cook for another 2.5 hours under the "Quenching" mode.