Prophetic dreams - truth or fiction?

Dream is the most mysterious phenomenon of human life. Esotericists believe that any dreams carry some information in themselves. But why do some prophetic dreams come true, but others do not? What if we miss something important in the tips of fate?

What are prophetic dreams?

Not every dream is a hint for the future. Often we do not cope with daytime experiences that spill out during a night's rest and just can not see prophetic dreams. And not all are inherent in the talent of clairvoyance, which some people develop over the years. What is meant by prophetic dreams in the understanding of most people is the prophecy that we receive by immersing ourselves in the kingdom of Morpheus. If what you saw was really a clue from above, then soon the dreams will come true.

Prophetic sleep is divided into two types: literal and symbolic. To literal dreams are dreams, the actions of which are accurately transmitted into real life. It is much more difficult to deal with symbolic dreams, because the predictions in such dreams come in the form of symbols and indirect prompts. Such predictions are almost impossible to decipher without dream books.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from the usual?

Some clairvoyants say that the predictions come in unusual light and are remembered in the smallest detail. How to know whether prophetic dream or not, if you understand this issue is not so easy, because the predictions do not differ much from ordinary dreams. In which case exactly do not see the prompts of fate:

  1. Tightly eaten . Scientists have proved that overregenerate people see nightmares, but when they fall asleep on an empty stomach - they think about their favorite dishes.
  2. Taking drugs that change people's consciousness, such as alcohol and drugs.
  3. Feeling painful disorders in the body . Headache, fever and spasms in the body do not allow the body to completely immerse in dreams.
  4. External factors . If it is too hot or cold in the room, there is a source of bright light or loud sounds, then it is impossible to get a predictive dream.

What kind of people see prophetic dreams?

In modern times, many people want to get a clue of fate, immersed in the kingdom of Morpheus. Turning to history, you can find out that ancestors often saw prophetic dreams. This is due to the fact that the ancient people were more attentive to the predictions and more diligently engaged in their clues. At first, people believed that clairvoyantly possessed only by representatives of religious trends, such as priests, monks and priests. On the question of who to remove prophetic dreams, psychics respond that any person who maximally developed intuition can get a prophecy.

Why often dreamed prophetic dreams?

Do not be afraid of your dreams. In support of this, the scientists put forward a theory. They explained why dreams are dreaming: during the day a person experiences a large number of emotions, but because of his employment, he does not notice the small details of what is happening. Therefore, strange dreams appear, which extract all the details of the past from the depths of the subconscious.

How to see a prophetic dream?

In order to get a prediction for the future, it is necessary to properly prepare for this phenomenon. Practitioners of clairvoyance say that predictions come most often in the early morning. You need to make sure that nothing disturbs you at this time. Before we fall asleep, we concentrate on our problem, we think over all possible methods for solving it, and waking up, we try to remember all the details of what we saw and decipher them.

Those who want to learn how to cause a prophetic dream, it is worth paying attention to the plot. To conduct the ceremony it is not necessary to take a round mirror and put it under the bed with the words: "How light and darkness are reflected in the mirror, so my future will be reflected and I will dream . " Then, thinking about what concerns, to go to the land of dreams and receive crucial tips.

Prophetic dreams - how to develop a gift?

In esotericism, there are several rules for the development of one's own gift. How to learn to see prophetic dreams, when it really is necessary:

  1. To purify the consciousness, one must sincerely believe that clairvoyance can be comprehended by any person.
  2. Being in a dream, it is important to try to focus on the most basic, there will be this picture, voice or emotions - each in different ways.
  3. Recommend to do meditation, it helps to develop an inner voice. After all, the most important thing in deciphering a prediction is an inner harmony with oneself.

On what days do we have prophetic dreams?

If you are interested in a dream, you need not only look in the dream book, but also take into account the day in which it was imagined. Everyone has long known that every day is subject to the influence of a certain planet. Depending on this, we get predictions or suffer from nightmares , and some people can not fall asleep at all. To find out in which days the dreams are real, you can use the hint:

  1. Monday is under the protection of the moon. She is responsible for the emotions and sensitivity of a person. If you dream something pleasant and bright, you can safely embody your ideas in reality.
  2. Tuesday is governed by Mars, responsible for courage and strength. On this day, predictions do not come. Chaotic activity and abundance of plots do not allow us to grasp the concrete essence of the dream.
  3. Wednesday is the day of Mercury. The ease and tranquility of this planet will help to see the true solution of problems.
  4. Thursday , being in the power of Jupiter, is responsible for activity and action. Prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday are the most sustainable, as this day most people become aggravated by intuition.
  5. Friday is patronized by the sensual Venus. This night you can predict the fate of yourself and your loved ones.
  6. Saturday is marked by trials of fate sent by Saturn. Often, nightly dreams come true on the same day.
  7. Sunday is the day of the Sun. Giving strength and energy, this planet shows how much we are loaded in real life. This is an obvious reason to stop and rest from all problems.

Is it possible to tell prophetic dreams?

Experts in the mystical realm are advised not to talk about their nightly dreams. First, you need to decipher the prophecy and outline the plan of action in accordance with the hints from above. Prophetic dreams can only be told when you are sure that everything you have seen has already come true. And even in this case, do not trust everyone, let only the closest people become listeners.

Prophetic dreams - truth or fiction?

For many years scientists have been trying to understand whether there are prophetic dreams in reality. And since they can not refute this phenomenon, they can not deny the existence of predictions either. In addition, in history, many interesting cases have been imprinted, in which prophetic dreams are dreamed of by great scientists and poets. For example: Pushkin, repeatedly saw the necessary rhymes, immersed in deep dreams, and the great scientist Mendeleev in his dream opened a chemical table and many artists write pictures based on dreams.

There is a theory that there is an information field around our world. This field contains all information about the past, present and future. And at the moment when we are maximally ready to perceive the future, our consciousness is plunged into the information flow. But as they say, "how many people, so many opinions", so that to believe in clairvoyance or not, the decision remains for everyone.

Prophetic dreams and Orthodoxy

In the Holy Scriptures one can often find prophecies sent by God through dreams. In biblical times, any person could become a predictor, regardless of his faith and financial position. Scripture also speaks of the appearance of false dreams, which are far from revelation and carry in themselves pernicious influences on mental purity. Prophetic dreams Orthodoxy tries not to perceive as true predictions and priests say that the Bible itself is the main source of answers to all questions.