Citrus Diet

Psychologists say that any citrus can raise the mood with regular use. Perhaps that's why diets based on these juicy fruits are so popular among everyone who does not have citrus allergies. This diet provides not only a tasty and pleasant diet, but also notable results.

Citrus diet for 10 days

Consider a citrus diet, for 10 days on which you can get rid of 6-8 kilograms of excess weight. Its second name is the C ++ diet. The diet will need to last 10 days, during which it is unacceptable to change the diet or add additional products. At its core is an expanded egg-citrus diet with a strict diet and high efficiency.

1 day :

Day 2 :

Day 3 :

Day 4 :

Day 5 :

Day 6 :

Day 7 :

Day 8 :

Day 9 :

Day 10 :

The obvious plus of such a protein-citrus diet is that you will lose fat mass. To consolidate the results in ten days, you can return to this diet and take a course again.

Citrus diet for three days

If you do not have that much time, and you just need to bring the figure in order before the holiday or an important event, use the abridged version. Long-term results this diet will not give, but will allow some to clean body volumes. It should be noted that it is not important here, what you eat tsitrus - grapefruit, orange or mandarin. You can choose one or alternate everything at once.

Citrus diet for three days is very simple. For each of the days you are given 2 eggs and 1 kg of citrus fruit. Your task is to eat no more than this for the whole day and at the same time drink 1.5 liters of water. Exactly in the same mode, spend the next two days. On the fourth day you will wake up fresh, 2-3 kilograms thin and in a good mood!