Middle age crisis in women - symptoms

Until recently, one could only consider how to overcome the male crisis of middle age, and the presence of his symptoms in women preferred to be ignored. But today, especially with a large ladies' business load, this issue has become very relevant.

How to overcome the symptoms of a mid-life crisis in women?

The male crisis begins around 40-45 years, and women have to face it ten years earlier. The public opinion is guilty of this, believing that until the age of 30 a woman should be in time all: to give birth to children, and to take place in the profession, and create a cozy nest for the family. Therefore, in the absence of any component to this threshold, the girls begin to plunge into the abyss of meditations over their failures.

In addition to the fear of not fitting into the generally accepted picture of a successful lady, symptoms of a crisis of middle age in women include:

When women begin a mid-life crisis, awareness of the situation does not come immediately. Some apathy and a depressed mood are written off for fatigue, preferring not to dig up to the real reasons. But if you have already determined your condition as a crisis, then the following tips will help you cope with it.

  1. Realism . The aging process in the body does not stop, so you need to take this moment. But you can adjust a lot with proper nutrition , sports and self-care.
  2. Change of eyes . You can conquer new peaks at any age, so if you stop wailing and think about how to achieve what you want, everything will become possible.
  3. Do not delay . Why wait for a convenient moment when most desires can be realized immediately?
  4. Accept . Do not deny your condition, maybe you feel yourself and not in the best way, but do not get hung up on it. This period can be used not for regretting missed opportunities, but for analyzing the progress and setting new goals.