Musical Psychology

Musical psychology is one of the scientific directions that studies the impact that music has on the human psyche, as well as a direct analysis of the psychological component in the architecture of the musical work itself. For example, two people can hear the same melody the same way, but they will perceive it in completely different ways. The study of such aspects is the prerogative of such a discipline as the psychology of musical perception, which, in particular, is engaged in the study and in-depth analysis of various synesthesias (phenomena in which basic concepts and states can acquire additional qualities, such as the smell of color or the geometric form of sound). If you do not take into account certain diseases that can cause symptoms of synaesthesia, then in essence - these are illusions based on psychological associations, the sound spectrum of which is reflected in our musical perception.

The main areas of musical psychology include a fairly wide range of disciplines. This and the above mentioned psychology of musical perception , and the psychology of musical ear, and the psychology of musical abilities.

By the way, the last of the above categories is interesting in that, among other things, it deals with genius in musical creativity, comprehensively examining the factors (social, genetic and psychological) that can influence the acquisition and development of extraordinary musical skills and non-standard musical thinking.

Listen to the melody and the thin!

It's no secret that music influences the basic structures of our psyche, but in some cases this effect can be positive, and in others, on the contrary - extremely negative. At the subconscious level, it can provoke certain behavioral reactions and the task of musical psychology also includes predicting actions, The actions performed by the subject under the influence of musical compositions he heard. In the modern world, this aspect is widely used in the advertising and business spheres, in particular, there are melodies that encourage people to make more purchases, or more effectively perform their duties while on the job. The mechanism of influence of such "mood music" on the human subconscious is not fully understood yet, but experts in the field of musical psychology continue to develop in this area, the vastness before them opens unlimited and perhaps in the near future it will be enough to listen to a certain melody, sports and lose weight or start learning a foreign language, which is always lacking in time.