Salt treatment

A huge number of people believe that salt is harmful, and even call it "white death." But in fact, salt is a vital product for the human body and has long been used to treat a variety of diseases.

Treatment with table salt and sea salt

Salt treatment is very effective, because a 10% solution of this food product is a strong absorbent. If you use salt dressings for therapy, then the therapeutic effect is achieved in just 10 days, after all, so salt penetrates the body through the pores, almost instantly falling into interstitial fluid and discharging excess water and toxic compounds dissolved in it.

Treatment of salt by dressing should be carried out with:

To make a medical bandage, you need to wet a bandage or gauze in a warm saline solution and apply it to the aching area before going to bed.

If there is a need to increase the number of young cells in the body, it is best to treat salt by Bolotov. Boris Bolotov in his book states that when salt is used, gastric juice is reflexively released, which contains all the elements necessary for the cleavage of old cells. To make the body young and perform such treatment with sea or salt, you need to keep a minute of each gram of the given product for a few days after each meal, and then swallow your salted saliva.

There are other folk recipes with which you can treat salt, but, perhaps, one of the most effective and popular is this:

  1. In a bottle of cognac, which is filled with ¾, pour fine salt until the level of cognac does not rise to the cork.
  2. Shake well and leave for 30 minutes to allow salt to settle.

Treatment with cognac with salt helps to quickly cope with osteochondrosis, pain with dislocations, flux, dental and headache, arthrosis and many other ailments and painful conditions.

Wiping and baths with salt water

Wiping with salt solution perfectly cleanses the human body of the accumulated slags and toxins in it, and restores the forces for nervous and physical exhaustion and colds. This procedure is carried out using sea or salt, dissolving 0.5 kg of the product in 1 liter of filtered water.

To conduct such treatment with water and salt, you need:

  1. On the body put canvas sheet, which is moistened in a medical solution and carefully wrung out, and over it vigorously rub the skin until a sensation of heat appears.
  2. After that, the sheet is removed, doused with water and wiped with a coarse cloth or towel.

Baths with salt cleanse the blood, increase hemoglobin, normalize the endocrine system and treat rashes on the skin. In addition, if you regularly take a bath with sea salt, you can rejuvenate the body and even improve the intellectual development of children, because it contains iodine, which is necessary for the brain. To make a therapeutic salt bath, it is enough to add 50-100 g of sea or salt in warm water and take it for at least 15 minutes.

Contraindications to salt treatment

Like any other therapeutic methods, salt treatment has a number of contraindications. Do not use salt if you have:

Salting bandages and wiping are also contraindicated in skin diseases, which are of an infectious nature.