Why are children with cerebral palsy born? Causes

According to statistics, from 6 to 12 babies per thousand newborns are born with some symptoms of infantile cerebral palsy. Often parents are simply shocked to learn about what a terrible diagnosis is established for their son or daughter.

This pathology can take place both in an unobtrusive form, and have an incredibly difficult flow, in which a person can not serve himself. Meanwhile, even an easy form of cerebral palsy requires lifelong rehabilitation, and most children suffering from this disease lag far behind their peers in physical and intellectual development.

There is an opinion that children's cerebral palsy is transmitted to children by inheritance. In fact, this is far from the case, and in absolutely healthy parents a sick child can be born. In this article, we will tell you why children with Cerebral Palsy syndrome are born, and what causes this terrible disease can cause.

Causes of cerebral palsy in newborns

The development of infantile cerebral palsy is a consequence of pathological disruption of brain structures in the newborn. Most often, such a pathology is the death or vice of a certain area of ​​the brain that appeared in utero or in the first few days after the birth of the baby.

Most of this disease affects premature babies, because they are born immature, and their organs and systems are significantly underdeveloped. Sites of the child's brain, which was born 3-4 months before the term, instantly die under the influence of various unfavorable factors.

Most often irreversible brain damage, which causes cerebral palsy in children, causes the following reasons:

  1. Infectious diseases of the future mother, in particular, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis and herpes. Such infections can affect the fetus during the entire pregnancy.
  2. Severe hypoxia during labor and during pregnancy.
  3. Rhesus-conflict.
  4. Intrauterine malformations of the baby's brain.
  5. Incorrect conduct of the process of birth, rapid or prolonged course.
  6. Birth trauma , received by the child when born.
  7. Asphyxia caused by a tight cord with the umbilical cord.
  8. In the first days after the birth of a baby, the cause of the formation of cerebral palsy can be severe infections of the baby, such as meningitis or encephalitis, as well as toxic damage to the newborn's body by poisons or mechanical head injuries.