Red scaly spots on the face

Red scaly spots on the face do not look aesthetically pleasing, but, in addition, these data may be a sign of a serious illness.

The causes of the appearance of red scaly spots on the face

If the skin on the face is peeling off and red spots appear, it is necessary to identify the cause of the negative changes as soon as possible. After all, a skin defect can be associated with the physiological characteristics of the body, and may indicate the development of the disease. We note the main reasons for the formation of spots:

  1. Spots of red color often appear on dry sensitive skin of the face.
  2. Redness in the form of spots is observed when the blood rushes to the face as a result of physical stress, stress, rising temperature or blood pressure.
  3. Shortage in the diet of vitamins and minerals contributes to the appearance of the indicated defect.
  4. A common cause of red rashes is acne and rosacea. Acne rash occurs with hormonal disorders.
  5. Periodically appearing on the face of red spots, which are shelled, are a sign of allergy. Increased reactivity of the body is observed in individual foods, washing and cosmetic products, medicines, etc. In addition, allergic manifestations often arise due to environmental factors (sun, cold, pollen, etc.).
  6. In recent decades, widespread use of neurodermatitis - a skin disease, a provoking factor for which are stressful situations.
  7. Infectious diseases (rubella, chickenpox, measles) are symptomatic in the form of rashes and reddish spots.
  8. With red systemic lupus erythematosus - a severe autoimmune disease, scarlet painless spots appear resembling a butterfly in shape.
  9. Education on the body, and sometimes on the face, spots, accompanied by an increase in temperature and an increase in lymph nodes, may indicate infection with AIDS.

Also, red spots on the face are flaky in diseases caused by parasites. It can be:

Treatment for red flaky spots on the face

In most cases, when the face is covered with red spots and is scaly, you can get rid of unpleasant manifestations by applying for skin treatment:

After the diagnosis by the specialist, appropriate therapy is prescribed. The main methods of treatment are as follows:

  1. With avitaminosis, the administration of multivitamin preparations is indicated.
  2. With allergies, it is recommended that you avoid contact with the allergen and use antihistamines.
  3. When demodicosis is prescribed external scabicidal drugs, with fungal diseases - antimycotic drugs, with helminthiases - drugs depending on the type of parasite.
  4. Acne and rosacea require the restriction of consumption of sweet, flour, alcohol, as well as fatty, fried and spicy dishes, in difficult cases hormones, antibiotics can be prescribed. Temporary improvement gives chemical peeling.
  5. Red systemic lupus erythematosus is considered an incurable disease, therefore, the treatment is mainly aimed at improving the quality of life of the patient.
  6. With AIDS, you need a constant intake of medications prescribed by your doctor and strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist.